
You forgot the part where he was the one who broke your leg in the first place. ;)

Reading between those lines is the “real racism” I’ll have you know. Lol!

And the media will refuse to cover popular challengers, while pretending they aren’t choosing our presidents for us.

Yeah, but those people weren’t racially insensitive. They were outright spewing the n word racist. Big difference. I think Matt Damon is getting a lickin cause he didn’t apologize. It’s not hard. He just needs to shake it off and apologize. I don’t think he got himself mired on purpose, but he should accept that as a

I’m talking about people like you. People who can’t distinguish reality from a conspiracy theory, and would literally die if your life depended on being able to do research. You ignorant fuckwits really make me sick.

It’s you people who drink cup after cup of crap, whatever you’re served, right honey? Seen way too many people who have lost all touch with reality, and go on and on about kool-aid and brainwashing with no sense of irony. It’s embarrasing.

She exposed innocent Iraqi protesters being seized and tortured because of our military. She exposed members of our military gunning down civilians for no particular reason. She shouldn’t be in jail in the first place.

Name any famous white person ever who has had their career destroyed by anything like this. Anyone at all. I can’t think of anyone with Matt Damon’s pull that could risk the slightest chance of his career being ruined, but maybe I’m forgetting someone.

Exactly. They clearly knew it wasn’t a bomb. And they did this anyway.

No it doesn’t. Stop acting like a fool.

He was taken by the police later in the day. I would certainly hope if the teacher thought it was ACTUALLY a bomb, she would have been more proactive. Clearly she wasn’t afraid it was an actual bomb.

Muslim clock bomb? Really? Behold, your “liberal media” America.

And the teacher apparently took the clock. Then he was taken in by police later in the day. So she thought it was a bomb and then just left it sitting around the school for hours? She clearly didn’t even believe it was an actual threat when she called the cops.

My understanding is he wasn’t arrested, but they threatened a possible future arrest for making a “hoax bomb” even though he told everyone it was a clock. smfh

Guess I have to completely disagree. You can’t learn without criticism. And the assumed motives of the critics don’t change the validity of the criticism. Going on about the critics using the wrong tone, or timing or whatever is just a distraction. I’m sure plenty of the criticism is stupid. But there are plenty of

Oh no! One of the most powerful white male actors in Hollywood gets criticized. How will his career ever survive?

Right? Why do they always double down with the fake apology? Couldn’t they, just once, try being an awesome example to us all?

I’m sure he’ll be fine. He has an enormous platform. He doesn’t really need your fervent defense to save him from anything.

Since he can’t possible be destroyed by this, I’d say white people being too afraid to talk about race are showing how terrified they are of being contradicted. Not really a crisis.

Exactly. I don’t get why there are so many people who think any kind of criticism is out of bounds. Maybe because I worked for a newspaper, I learned how to handle a critique? I remember my editor telling me I started a story with a mean-spirited lead. And I realized he was right; my lead was condescending and unfair.