
How do people “get it” without criticism? How can anyone get anything if the second anyone calls them out for problematic behavior, our response is to claim they’re being “demonized,” or subjected to a “mob” out on a “witch hunt?” When did it become a thing that criticism is just like being torn apart by wolves? And

He’s a powerful actor. I’m pretty sure he’ll be fine.

She specifically said she wouldn’t call it rape. She described a bad experience with an asshole.

She didn’t even say it was rape. She just described a bad experience.

She didn’t say it was rape. Read more carefully.

Why? Seems pretty problematic on multiple fronts as a study. That’s before we even get into the vast difference between sex trafficking and willing sex workers. Seems like it just says what you want to believe. I’m not saying the study has zero valuable information, but if you’re hoping it confirms your feelings about

Ok, I’ll give them props for multiple countries. Sample size is too small, especially for that many countries. No controls. No countries where sex work is legal either. They had references to HIV issues from a WHO study, so that’s helpful, but throwing Thailand into the mix is already problematic for a variety of

Don’t you worry honey. These sex negative people are gonna set you straight. Lol!

90 percent where? Where were the studies conducted? What was the sample size? How did they choose participants?

Probably work in a law firm just like I do now?

My third grade teacher was fired for being abusive and insane.

If you say so. Yet there are sex workers and sex worker advocates who would disagree with your condescending assertion that the mere idea some people do sex work because they choose to is wrong. And you say this, despite having obviously made no effort at all to learn about any of these people.

Your hatred for sex workers is noted. Your notion that sex workers are the reason women don’t advance in the world is also noted. You seem like a real shit.

Probably, since it pays way better than whatever pathetic job you work at.

Oh by all means, we should assume every happy sex worker we know is a liar. Out of respect for women....for her own good, or something. smfh

But you’re a whore who needs to be either pitied or despised!!!11!! Don’t you seeeeeee???!!!

Yeah we get it. You hate those whore sex workers, and we should too. Or maybe we should just be filled with contemptuous pity for them. Whatever allows you to feel superior.

How anectdotal.

I know sex workers who are perfectly happy. Since you said 100%, I just proved you wrong. Feel better?

You’re an addle brained fool.