Yes, that’s the fiscally responsible thing to do. Waste millions of dollars investigating fraudulent claims against a legitimate medical organization.
Yes, that’s the fiscally responsible thing to do. Waste millions of dollars investigating fraudulent claims against a legitimate medical organization.
The GOP is one big racist fucking duck.
they literally refer to welfare cheats, illegal immigrants, and terrorists in one sentence and ask why anyone would think they’re racist in the next. If it quacks like a duck...
This story could not mean more to me right now. I have always been pro-choice and just this past month my birth control failed, I became pregnant and had to get an abortion just yesterday. I am not sad, I would have had a miscarriage anyway due to health reasons, I just never wanted to have to use that option.…
The GOP is STILL convinced that it’s their verbiage that turns off women and minority voters, rather than the platform itself. I mean, it’s both, but still.
“My leg is broken.”
This narrative of “Black people like free stuff” is so odd. Like...everybody likes free stuff, no? And the underlying assumption that we don’t want to work, we’re lazy, violent, etc. Interesting that the stereotype went from slow-witted but docile and easy to direct to lazy and violent once it became illegal to…
I work for Planned Parenthood of the Great NW and Hawaiian Islands. Stories such as this one, validate the work I do every day. Makes strolling past the protesters on abortion day, spitting their vitriol absolutely worth it 100 times over. Thank you for this. Thank you so very much.
To this day my abortion was the best decision I ever made 10/10 would do again + the drugs are boss
So today, my boyfriend watched some Bill Nye video where Bill explains how women should be allowed to choose abortions, science, we have more important things to spend resources on than trying to stop abortions, etc. Fine, whatever. But he eventually says “nobody likes abortions”. I made an “ehhh” sound and my…
I super appreciate her correction: there is no right or wrong way to feel about an abortion. I am extremely pro-choice, don’t regret my abortion, and am pretty sick of the “hardest choice of all” narrative. But in all this politicking women still need to be able to feel however they feel, and most importantly, know…
I’ve used the tactic of shutting down the pro-lifers in my IRL life who start opining about abortion, and how it destroys women’s psyches, etc with “I had an abortion. Actually, I’ve had more than one.”
I have a friend who had one, as I did, and she was always kind of afraid to discuss it. I told her I understood it’s not something to run around the office talking about, but never feel bad that you had a tiny bit of cells scraped from your uterus when you were 6 weeks pregnant. My generation fought to get that…
I’m borrowing it from someone else on Jez (wish I could find it), who said “I’m not pro-choice. I’m pro-abortion.” And I am, FOR ANY REASON. Because I do not (nor does ANYONE else) have the moral authority or right to condemn anyone for exercising autonomy over their own bodies.
I’ve been following this hashtag on Twitter and it makes me so happy to hear people stand up against bullies and refuse to be defined by other people’s expectations. You rock, Amelia and Lindy!
Jeb can’t even get his crap together when people are personally attacking his family! He foundered badly in the debate on the Spanish question— he actually made himself look apologetic for being able to fluently speak the language of our largest growing demographic. He also bungled the drug questions and made Rand…
Just... how do these things continue to come out of people’s mouths, without engaging their brains? “You just need to starve people enough, then the poors will magically find good-paying jobs and have all the training, transportation, and child care needed to keep them! The future of the country will be fine if no one…