
Yeah, let’s throw other women under the bus so we can finally get your approval for our level of grace and class. You’re a real piece of work honey.

So now pornography is coerced as well? Sorry honey. I know too many sex workers to fall for your little game.

No it isn’t.

There’s nothing wrong with sex workers. Grown up you puritan.

No it isn’t. Sex workers aren’t helpless idiots. They’re capable of deciding to have sex for money.

Lying isn’t illegal. Forcing someone to have sex is. Pretty straightforward.

I dunno. Did he put a gun to my head?

No. It was still consensual sex.

If my husband’s identical twin pretends to be him, and cons me into having sex with him, that’s rape.

Look, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but America treats its children like shit, according to every possible metric. Compared to any westernized country in the world, our children are significantly more likely to be malnourished, unable to access medical and dental care, homeless, physically abused and sexually

America has significant influence on other countries, particularly allies. At the very least we should be upholding international human rights standards, and condemning this in the strongest terms.

The American legal system is excellent at sentencing children to adult prison though. And they know perfectly well, not only how prevalent prison rape is, but that children in adult prison are far more likely to be raped than adult prisoners. I’ve yet to see the governor of any state declare a moratorium on sentencing

Are these people seriously that unaware of the prevalence of rape in American prisons? I mean, comedians make bad jokes about it. Everybody knows about it, and very few seem to care. Quibbling about rape not being a part of the “sentence” is semantics, a way to feel good about an ethical stance we don’t uphold at all.

No one’s saying he shouldn’t have help. But if a person is a violent offender, overwhelmingly likely to reoffend, well that’s what prisons are FOR. He needs to get help in prison, where he can’t attack another child.

Exactly. And I didn’t even feel up to describing the gynecological exam, which depending on how you were assaulted, may be extremely painful. Just getting yourself disrobed and into the stirrups, splayed like a frog on a dissecting tray in front of a stranger for the exam is re-traumatizing.

What about when anyone gets out without help? Are you fighting for the rights of all prisoners? Or just the ones accused of rape?

How much does anyone in prison receive comprehensive help? Are you, ummm, new to America?

If we’re looking for comprehensive help, perhaps we should start with schizophrenics. They frequently end up in prison, for non-violent crimes, and have serious trouble readjusting to the outside world. Why aren’t we expending our limited resources on them, instead of rapists?

It could be considered a mental illness, if actual experts thought it was a mental illness. But they don’t.

And yet your compassion and ethics show no concern for his victim. Interesting.