
Yeah it’s so unreasonable how people get so mad about rapists, especially when the the FBI crime stats show they get off scott free all the time.

Soooo, all the other people in this prison industrial complex shitshow are your main concern? What about all the non-violent drug possession offenders? Are you protesting and writing your congresspeople to get them released asap?

Really? Do you show this same level of concern when murderers are convicted at 18 or 19? They’re teenagers too right?

He’s not a child. He’s an adult. Are you this concerned about Michael Brown being gunned down by police for his youthful 18 year old mistakes?

Since studies show rapists tend to be serial offenders, yeah he pretty much need to be locked away from people for a long time.

It’s analogies like this that make me realize they don’t even think about us as human. What if you left the keys in your car? What if you went to a bad neighborhood with 100 dollar bills glued to your clothes?

It’s pretty exhausting, and usually takes hours. They have you take off all your clothes, and they photograph you. Then they swab your body for DNA evidence. Then they take a very fine toothed comb and comb through all the hair on your body for hair and fiber evidence. Then they take tweezers and pluck out

Exactly. I don’t know a single woman I’ve ever met that hasn’t experienced this.

You are correct that biological race doesn’t exist. But the fact that it’s a social construct, makes it no less real. Because, people act on that social construct all the time. So racism is a real, dangerous, and often deadly thing people have to face. Ignoring it just leaves the problem of racism unaddressed.

Look dude, you’re going to feel all defensive until you do your racism 101 homework. I get it. I was defensive too, but I realized I needed to swallow that shit, and learn about racism. If you can get out of your comfort zone, I’ll be happy to supply you with all the resources you need.

Exactly. Nicki’s tweets were fine. And even when Taylor Swift decided to show her ass, Nicki was completely cordial, even told her she loved her. I’m white as fuck, and even I can figure out white people need to stop their bullshit tantrum about it.

Well, one stereotype will get you killed by the police, and the other will make people laugh at you for loving pumpkin spiced lattes. Not really the same thing, now is it?

Well, white people “stereotypes” don’t involve preventing them from getting jobs, renting apartments, securing a decent mortgage, or surviving encounters with the police. Soooo, you’re being this upset is pretty ridiculous in context.

Lol! If you hadn’t posted this I was definitely going to. ;)

I know!! I seriously don’t even understand what these republicans are thinking at this point. They are in for a rude awakening in 2016.

I just really appreciate how simple, how straightforward, that anatomy lesson is. If it weren’t so simple, I doubt my overly-emotional, illogical, frankly deficient lady-brain could absorb its life-saving lesson.

That’s it right there. Self righteousness is the drug Americans are addicted to. All they care about is that next fix of smug, callous superiority.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sooooo good luck at Thanksgiving. smfh

Lol! I called mine an IED by mistake the other day.

It’s so reassuring when you finally realize your purpose. ;)