
I think recognizing reality is supposed to be its own reward. And part of doing that is not just coming around, but taking responsibility for the harm you’ve caused with your fuckery. This woman has lambasted rape victims repeatedly. When you fuck up, part of making amends is understanding you don’t deserve immediate

She’s obsessed with it, and seems pissed that everyone can tell.

Lol! tl;dr

In addition, we’re talking about children alleging abuse. Exactly how are they supposed to fit into this two to tango scenario? They didn’t get to choose their parents.

You have yet to back up anything you have said with anything but a personal anecdote. And yet you accuse me of being a couch psychologist with no sense of irony.

I’m sure the family needs help, and I’m sorry you stumbled into abusive relationships. It concerns me however, that you seem to think you’re equally culpable for being in a relationship with someone as your abuser was responsible for abusing you. The person responsible is the person who made the decision to abuse you.

And yet the judge could have ordered placement in foster care if the mother was that disturbed. She didn’t. Why is that?

You can get them to say things, but you can’t generally get all 3 of them to engage in a pattern of behavior over the long term. Especially not when those behaviors include constant acting out, refusal to spend time with a specific adult, and open hostility towards authority figures. Even confident children fear

If the mother is that emotionally abusive, why is the judge emotionally abusing the children? If the mother is that dangerous, why were the children threatened and then sent to juvie instead of being placed in a therapeutic foster situation? Family court judges have the power to do that you realize?

The judge reversed the decision, probably because people are calling for her removal. The father is irrelevant.

Right, the 3 court appointed experts that shall remain nameless and unexamined, and possibly don’t even exist because of YOUR internet anecdote. Lol!

You are the one obsessed with blaming the mother and defending the father, not me. I’m the one that thinks children of that age are capable of expressing themselves, and speaking their minds, instead of assuming they’re brainwashed robots. You know, because children are, like, real people.

Parental alienation is highly controversial in the medical community, as is brainwashing. Combined with the fact the judge is clearly deranged, I see little reason to try to make this about the mother.

Yeah that doesn’t actually matter. That could be a possible reason to remove the children to foster care. It is NOT a reason to heap abuse all over the children, accuse them of being just like a cult of murderers, and then imprison them. She’s so grossly incompetent her assertions are meaningless.

They refuse to listen to you when you tell them why you don’t get along with them, insult you by insisting you’re too stupid to know what you’re saying, and then act baffled that you don’t like them. Because you’re so irrational or willful or something.

My son stopped talking to my entire family, one at a time, years ago. Before ceasing contact with each of them, he explained exactly WHY he was angry about specific things THEY did. They responded by insulting his intelligence, telling him he was acting “bitter” and “crazy,’ and insisting I had brainwashed him. smfh

Thank you! And the way these so-called advocates respond to the children defying them? If I was in their situation, I’d be raising holy hell. Seriously.

Exactly. I’m supposed to believe it plausible that 3 children of that age have been so completely brainwashed they fabricate abuse and outright refuse to endure a visit with a particular adult for NO REASON? And if this judge is indicative of the type of adults they’ve been dealing with in this situation, I’d be

The judge has the power to remove the children into foster care if they are so endangered by emotional abuse where they live. What does any of that have to do with threatening and abusing children, then sending them to detention?

In abuse situations, it does not “take two to tango.”