If the closet’s always unlocked, why not shit in the closet?
If the closet’s always unlocked, why not shit in the closet?
Shit in the sink. It’s the right thing to do.
It’s not really an “activity.” It was a concert. Should dad ask mom permission before watching any PG-rated movies with the kid? Should a parent have to ask the other permission before buying her music? What about books - should they have to ask permission before letting her read a book?
When women are called bitches, it’s meant as overly-aggressive, doing what she wants, not submissive. When men are called bitches, it’s meant as overly-submissive, doing what everyone else wants, not aggressive.
Actually, the father used the concert to incite abuse so he could have full custody and receive child support/stop paying child support. He’s a deadbeat, which makes you kind of a bitch.
So in your ideal world, anything that one parent disagrees with, the other parent must concede not to do or else she’s “a bitch”? (nice gendered insult there)
Hillary is exactly like Khaleesi! She’s blonde, I can’t stand her, and she’s a better leader than all the viable alternatives.
“Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!” Was the best damn part.
“I mean, really, what is this dinner? And why am I required to come to it? Jeb Bush, do you really want to do this?”…
The real Mark Twain plays the role of “dead man doing barrel rolls in the grave forever”
Sadly, no. Double jeopardy applies in this case, so they can’t go after him for murder at the state level.
Actually, the more I read about the case, the more I think the prosecutors didn’t charge correctly. I read an analysis last night that says, based on IL law, the judge had to acquit as the cop the cop aimed and fired at the intended target, which is intentional, not reckless. That means that officer’s beyond awful…
I mean.
The time it took for him to draw his weapon could have been equally spent stepping on the accelerator. He chose to shoot instead.
If one of us did that, WE’D BE IN FUCKING PRISON.
No charges for the illegal weapon he had?!? At the very least you would have thought that would have stuck!
“Any police officer especially would have reacted in the exact same way I reacted”