
Yeah. I fell quickly down the ladder of “I don’t need this, I have too many games to play already” to “I didn’t know (game company I like) was involved in this” to “oh look, it’s (other game company I like) and now... yeah, fine. A whole bunch of things I really want. FINE.

Step 2)  Amnesiac Protagonist

I like a lot of JRPG’s and I got bored with Alliance Alive about five hours in, then played for another five because I wanted to give it a fair shot. It isn’t a particularly bad game in any regard, but nothing really hooked me either.

I missed the whole match 3 genre, didn’t play one until Battle Chef Brigade, so I’m looking forward to trying this.

“It’s not a pizza,” the guy behind the counter warned me.

Your password must contain one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one symbol and one prime value of a quadratic polynomial.  Also you must change your password every thirty days, twice during a full moon, or whenever a real estate agent crosses your path.

It’s a Spiders game. Reach exceeding grasp is their thing. Even most Spiders fans go in wondering how close they’ll get to the mark this time, not if they’ll actually hit it.

It’s a cute-looking indie at a relatively modest price with decent graphics and a theme that’s familiar, relatable and hasn’t been made into a game yet.

I like supporting indie devs who are doing unique looking games and given that I’m on hour 130 of Fire Emblem, I don’t mind spending money on games that aren’t long.

Is White Castle supposed to look right?  I thought dubious and ill-advised was on-brand.

(The question of whether Catholics would have reservations about eating, say, an Impossible Whopper on a Lenten Friday is raised, but not answered.)

I didn’t intend to start over again so soon but the story hooked me enough that I wanted to see what was going on - I think Nintendo did something with the recent patch and the accrual of renown too. I suddenly got a small fortune in extra points, so it should make some of the tasks go a lot faster.

Pushing hard through the third Fire Emblem playthrough, hopefully finish off things with the Black Eagles on both paths and finally move on to Control.

I’m surprised it wasn’t pow cheese.

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One day before Untitled Goose Game!  Great month or greatest month?!

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Even if you don’t like where the story went after Chrono Trigger, Mitsuda nailed it here, to the point that two decades later, there’s not really been anything else like it.