
Exactly this. It’s not like he’s taking resources away from other projects, or forcing me to watch his movies.

But will they remember to get decent scripts?

I finally finished with this game this weekend, and by the end I did like it more than my initial few hours. If you enjoy the gameplay loops and hordes and such, there’s a lot of game to keep you occupied. It certainly never felt like Bend was giving it any less than their all.

Exact reaction from my sci-fi reading roommate who doesn’t watch GoT when I explained the ending.  “Wait, so he pulled a Frank Herbert?  Where are the snow worms.  I demand snow worms!”

Great game all the way through.

Original at the one, small store that sold all sorts of strange, geeky detritus in the days before all this stuff went mainstream.

Getting a puppy some squeaky toys in the Days Gone endgame, thanks to a helpful Kotaku comment.

I have cheese in my refrigerator that old, and I’m sure it’s still perfectly fine.

Aw, my first anime! Watching poor-quality VHS subs of eps. 4-7 of Slayers Try! because the video store rarely had a complete season of anything except Bubblegum Crisis.

It’s pretty comprehensive. Tactics Ogre has a lot of options for character recruitment/narrative paths, and I liked the story enough that I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I’ve got the Tactics Ogre guide, and it looks like it would have been a beast to put together.  Definitely appreciate all the hard work that went in to making it happen.

Half and half. Half regular fry, half sweet. Best of both worlds.

I have nothing, owe a great deal, and the rest I leave to the poor.”

His own best friend!

Reese’s PB cups make a hell of a s’more.

Vibribbon, you savages.

It works pretty well as a warning label for the experience.

Avatar - the Last Airbender

God this is going to push me through to endgame, this right here.

Also full of cartoonish caricatures! I finally hit the back third of the map and thought for sure we’d at least dodged the hoary old Old Testament Preacher cliche but no, we can’t have that or you might actually like a character in this game.