
a spokesperson for Ubisoft said the publisher is currently working on solving the issue.

A good number of the funny, talented, warm, good and hard-working people I know are plagued by the demons of depression in various ways.

I’m glad to hear this - I’m generally interested in what XSeed chooses to port and this looked weird and fun.  Happy I can play it tonight.

You really can’t teach this kind of entitlement. Kids have a pecking order, everyone knows when a trophy is meaningful or meaningless.

100% consistency on avoiding consequences.

I always wondered if that wasn’t what the devil showed him in the garden at Gethsemane. Nothing to do with temptation, just how the whole business would play itself out.

 Unlike non-religious people, who are paragons of logical thought and behavior.

I love how srs bsns it is for... a bunch of people making shows that people binge and forget about, or fall asleep in the middle of, or chat about on the internet for a couple of months.

Stick to the plan, chums!

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Yeah that 10$+ Switch tax is kind of annoying.

It’s like a perfect little jewel box experience.  I love it so much.

Far Cry 5. I really need to get to AC: Odyssey since RDR2 is right behind it, but god Far Cry 5 is pretty.  I should not have put it off for this long.

It’s like 1984 repurposed into shit art for rich people.

I spent the last long weekend finally burning through Wolfenstein 2. It is pretty entertaining - you’ll enjoy it when you get there.

I don’t know how anyone can complain about a drought ever again. I try to catch at least a few hours of gaming every night and more on weekends, and I could probably name 40 games that I’d really like to play, and that’s not counting games I’d like to take another run through.  I don’t even play any of the ‘games as

My friend’s father was a bit of a clutterer. Not quite a hoarder, more of an ambitious handyman who never quite got around to all the projects he bought stuff for around the house.

It would have been a day-one buy for me.


If it wasn’t religion it would just be something else.  Humans are amazing.