
I’m glad this is so good. I didn’t know about Papers, Please until after the initial rush of support and acclaim, so it’ll be nice to give the creator some cash right out of the gate this time.

I mean ‘thou shalt not kill’ is four words and throughout history Christians can’t even stop internecine warfare, let alone killing different people.

It’s been out on several other systems for months now, so I’m sure any review would have details. The general buzz I heard was “solid, but somewhat repetitive and more about dungeon crawling than selling.”

I know right.  That one got walked back so fast it looked like a dance move.

I bounced hard off of Vampyr, which I was expecting to like a lot more than I do. I usually don’t drop a game mid-play but this time I think I’m going to.

It does give me a dumb gift to buy for someone I need to spend something on but don’t want to spend a lot on.  A social gift that gets a laugh.  Sometimes it’s the right thing.

Has it already been years?  How long have I been wandering this clean living hellscape.

Babish!  <3

I’m telling myself I’m going to finish Detroit: Become Human (which is not at all great, but more entertaining than I thought it would be) and then either load up Far Cry 5 or Vampyr....

Like it matters if she’s subtly awful.  She’s awful right on the surface.  No need to dig.

there are not enough stars in the sky

If you wanted to make the IP rights last until the death of direct descendants it would STILL be better than the current system where indifferent, faceless corporations control increasing amounts of of our shared culture with zero responsibilities toward archival or preservation.

Well, if we waited until even the oldest of them had passed on, it would still be more sane than what we are working with now.

Original creator. I should have been more specific.

Media IP should belong to the creator. When the creator has passed on, it should belong to everyone.

I don’t fear anything - I wouldn’t want to spend the majority of my time taking care of another person. I don’t hate kids - my friends have kids and they seem nice and fun and will grow up into great adults - but I still wouldn’t want to have to deal with their needs 24-7.

Now playing

This is the greatest twenty-six seconds in the history of time.  No apology necessary.

That’s not how things work in the corporate world.

Just watch them try a Kickstarter.