the characters in Attack on Titan are the perfect example of this. there is only one canonically Asian character in the series but I know alot of people never realized that initially.
the characters in Attack on Titan are the perfect example of this. there is only one canonically Asian character in the series but I know alot of people never realized that initially.
She’s not Indiana Jones. If the writers want her to be serious all the time then that’s their choice. If you don’t like it, play something else.
You find the new Lara Croft boring for a single reason:
I actually preferred Lara not being this cocksure seasoned adventurer who feels the need to blow everything off in some generic quip. She’s stuck in a shithole being hunted down by zealots, not exactly a lot of jokey material to work with, and while you don’t know her dad the idea of trying to live up to a parent’s…
“Game’s too linear. Not long enough, beat it in under 10 hours.”
“Defective” *nom*
Down goes another individual for thinking something the hive doesn’t like! We did it, Internet!
Your comment reminds me of Spore. ‘You legitimately bought it? You get 5 installs max! You pirated it? Oh, then you can do anything you want with it.’
Exactly, I’ll let the early adopters be the Italian American pigs on this one. Then when they’re all blind, we can steal their iPhones.
The thing is they could have mechanics...
The gameplay Ubisoft showed didn’t highlight the kinds of unique mechanics and situations Destiny’s raids have become known for, instead focusing on fighting off waves of enemies.
because he’s going to check his mate
NO. its not logical because next its “bears offend my religon, talking animals? How cruel!, omg theres more men than women in the game, omg shooting people remove it thats not nice”.
What has science doooone?!?!
Wow, that’s going to put a damper on quality levels if this keeps up. People aren’t going to take the time to make quality levels if there is a chance they will get deleted.
“Destiny has a hell of a user interface. It’s nice to look at, but like many things in Destiny it’s also nice to use.”