
Ya that’s called hype and nostalgia. Don’t expect it to remain that way when the masses start playing. The majority will go back to retail pretty fast.

Warlocks having to farm for hours so they can have enough of their shards for the raid.....Paladins basically being healers. Don’t you dare go dps spec.

I give it a year before its a ghost town.

Heh, sounds like Blizzard was right when they said “you don’t want WoW classic.”

I feel like EA’s constant push for live game services is why DA:I felt so much like an MMO. Almost like they were teetering on that aspect of making the entire game multiplayer.

Nothing like some good ole fashion fake outrage to churn out an article.

The Last Jedi introduces magical GPS tracking that essentially makes guerrilla-style warfare impossible.”

They are supposed to be side characters. The entire point is to pass the torch to a new generation. I’m glad they weren’t the focus of the films.

I’d rather they just work on Persona 6 and possibly making it in a reasonable time frame. 2 console generations before getting the next in the series was brutal.

Hardware ban.

So hardware ban him.

We all hate cheaters, but for crying out loud just ban the kid and move on. In this case I say Epic can go fly a kite.

Sounds like the crap from FFXIV 1.0 fatigue system.

I’m not sure why this old ass article popped up while browsing kotaku, but it made me laugh. This kind of idiotic rhetoric is why the dude won.

Ifs and could’s based on things that have actually happened in the past. Notoriously comcast.

Eh, not like it was on purpose. Laugh it off and don’t get so butthurt.

Damn that’s impressive.

He’s not wrong though. You can go to twitch and find dozens of female streamers who have the camera intentionally pointed in a downward angle, wearing shirts so low cut that they barely cover anything at all and spend half the stream not really doing anything and a large chunk of them will have their screen larger

This game needs to bomb hard. EA needs to suffer big losses over this BS.

Shouldn’t her hair be purple?