
No no no no the best thing the Division did that Destiny didn’t is Matchmaking! Matchmaking for every missions even the challenge mode. Now that take Destiny who said that people can’t do challenge (aka “raid”) with random players.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised but it seems a lot of the popular twitch and youtube gamer names tend to have a low ceiling. Too often I watch a stream or video of one playing a game I’m familiar with and they spend so much time complaining about being lost or confused or drawing strange conclusions when by far the

You know, it’s not like Nintendo is giving the game away for free. Players don’t have to be happy or grateful for whatever Nintendo puts in front of them just because it has the Metroid franchise attached to it. If it doesn’t look appealing, or isn’t what the fans want, they should tell Nintendo that and not purchase

Friggn “fans”.

And that, in just a few easy steps, is how to destroy the universe

Not with a whimper but with a bang. Lots of virtual banging.

Possibly with lots of whimpering too.

Revised: Okay so it will end with banging AND whimpering.

“My new project is a very small super-powerful PC with no heatsinks and no fans - it is cooled by liquid propane, boiled into gaseous propane in an expansion block. From there, I can either compress back into a tank under high pressure, or vent out of a burner nozzle for supercooling to subzero temps. If I had more

Looks like a giant boob to me.

It sold well enough on the OG Xbox to bring Xtreme 2 to 360. I see no reason why they shouldn’t bring Xtreme 3 over. The tinfoil hat part of me is saying they might be trying to turn the controversy into a selling point. Controversy sells better than sex does.

The political correctness and pandering in the US is really getting sickening.

I think my brain just broke. I don’t even-

I hadn’t heard that. It fits with what else I’d heard about similar situations; that Vince doesn’t want to get sued so when something like this happens they give them the star treatment to make them happy.


she doesnt, go google her name with “admits to not playing games” and you will find the video recording of her in which she admits it to a group of woman. The recording was not made by herself btw but someone in the group on her phone.