Raaaaaaaadaniel Chicago

So are you advocating that we move to a society where we don’t even consider the evidence? Everyone accused is just automatically declared guilty? Are you you want to do that? Are you aware of the history of how false rape accusations in the south were used to justify persecuting and killing black men? The reason that

from gardening to wedding with out a shower.

How far can you bury your head in the sand?

Putting aside the sexual abusiveness that has come to light, coercing his female stars into wearing his wife’s dresses is something she definitely knew about.

I’m just over here wondering why tf the hand model didn’t get a manicure....

It’s the settlements. What? 8? 10 of them? How did she not know?

on one hand good, on another hand what ever.

It was an “open secret” that Weinstein was a serial abuser and wasn’t even coy about it. Of course she knew. She’s the white Camille Cosby. But I’m sure she married Jabba the Hutt for love...

I no longer have time to give a flying fuck about millionaire problems.

Yeah... no. You can’t be a child whose “negligence” “contributes” to your own molestation. It’s a morally reprehensible (and stupid) strategic decision.

Psssh, biggest sports tournament in the world? We invent our own sports and then call our teams the world champions when they win. And no one stops us!

Crack dealers for twenty, because reasons.

“John Edgar Rust”

Up to five years?

For the life of me I will never get “i like _ college team but could never get into that school”. Apropos of this list

I know y’all will hate me for saying this but if they are hoping for a mainstream hit that title is setting it up to fail. It’s telegraphing itself as a “black show” instead of a show about black people. I know Blackish has done well regardless of brave title but I would argue that it’s an exception. From Living


For months I was getting someone’s free gym bags and totes you get when you subscribe to magazines and I would always turn them over to the post master.


Goodyear Aerospace is working on those tires

Ready for inspection, Mr. President.