
I drop popcorn on the floor of the movie theater because they have people they’ve hired to clean it up.

It is times like this that the USA USA! chant is most appropriate.

Now playing

One time I drove a Ford Focus ST really hard. I decided—even though I consider myself a good driver—that it was too much for me and I was going to get in trouble. The Carrera GT is too much for nearly all mortals. If you get into one, you better not have any delusions or it will quickly notify you of your error.

There’s nothing in this world or the next that I want to do more than fly a Fighter Jet (Raptor, please) but I’ll never be allowed to. Curse you colorblindness; autocrossing can only scratch the itch so much

When calling 911, a few bits of information can go a long ways.

Great... as if the backcountry wasn’t already overfilled with fucking slednecks...

I was just there. You have to stop ahead with hazards on so that other cars have sufficient time to slow down.

If you have a computer controlled bike, you can simply get a program for it. I hooked the bike up to my laptop via the bikes version of an OBDII port and fed it the program. Now I hit the start button while going down the road and the bike holds speed, adjusts for hills and disengages when the brakes or clutch are

You have no idea what you are talking about. Do some research.

I just mapped the 1,000 mile route I’d like to do. Google Maps tells me it should take 16 hours to complete, leaving 8 hours for sleep, food and gas breaks. Pretty reasonable if you start off fresh from a good sleep. Don’t be so ignorant.

He pretty much stated that he basically went 70 mph and had a couple breaks and even a nap thrown in there.

Biased in favor of... facts?

I’m not sure this one can be considered controlled combustion ;)

classic is relative. E38’s are nice and all, but still

This is the single greatest image on the Internet today, June 25 2015.

Half the images I put up were found on Shutterstock.

There — I fixed it.

My favorite is when the poor innocent rider posts a video of someone acting aggressively towards them but cuts out the first 5 minutes where they rode through the drivers cornfield or lawn or punched off their mirror. You see a lot of “look they attacked me” but the reason the person is angry is usually cut out of the

on a bike, discretion is almost always the better part of valor