Because hood ornaments originally served a purpose other than ornamental. They were the original thermostats on vehicles, and provided the now electronic telltale that the radiator was about to boil over.
Because hood ornaments originally served a purpose other than ornamental. They were the original thermostats on vehicles, and provided the now electronic telltale that the radiator was about to boil over.
Click in the video frame, and it should open in Facebook.
When there is no evidence that ties the two parties together other than bruises. If there isn’t video evidence like this, there is no evidence that can be used other than testimony. If the injured party does not choose to press for charges, and does not act as a witness, then there is no case for the prosecution to…
Still have to take into account the stats. 113 million death free miles under auto-pilot. Overall vehicle stat just over 90 million in US, 60 million in Europe. They are obviously doing SOMETHING right...
Years ago, an episode of Happy Days was based on this exact issue. The mother didn’t set the parking brake - leaving the transmission in Park, and the car rolled downhill right through the diner... Park is not meant to hold the car in place. Yes, it “locks” the transmission, but those locking tabs aren’t difficult to…
One of the reasons ground effects cars were banned was the danger - if any of their skirts were damaged, they suddenly had NO downforce...
Justin, the way to do this properly, is you start by allowing the police to split, and have them fine every single person that tries to block or otherwise impede the motorcycle from passing... Educational campaign...
This depends heavily on where you are using it. CA sources of energy are predominantly “clean” sources (hydro, wind, solar), other parts of the country, not so much.
I love seeing all the air under the inside rear tire on those classic Minis...
When I took it in High School it did a decent job, but that was before the 90's...
So, have people stopped using parking brakes, too? It’s clear to me that Driver’s Ed isn’t doing the job it used to...
There’s a big oversteer moment before one of the turns that I imagine would not happen in the all-wheel drive Porsche.
Did someone say rabbit?
There is one instance where coasting in neutral is actually a good idea. When trying to slow or stop on a very slick surface. Especially if the vehicle has a good amount of torque. Otherwise, you have uneven braking power at each end, or at very slow speed even have the drive wheel trying to push/pull against you.
This could likely just take a lot more time to get used to but, even though the connection to the rear wheel feels pretty linear, it also feels like it’s run through several filters and is disconnected.
Hmm... I wonder how his “sponsors” feel about being attached to a video like this, as well as the business property owners where he was doing damage to the landscaping...
You need to get her some moto pants to protect those legs better. Even if not armored, at least something with kevlar that won’t shred as soon as it touches pavement...
Above about 45MPH, you can turn your head both directions to clear most water, but if it’s not raining that gets more difficult as the spray from cars is dirty and sticks more.
Actually, common core isn’t the problem. It’s CC being taught by those that have the same attitude you do. CC math actually teaches a student how numbers relate, rather than rote memorization of tables that have limited application.
Just saying...
I’ve been watching Google’s and Tesla’s progress on this topic since it’s inception. They didn’t just throw the cars out there. They were very open about the systems that were being tested from the beginning (at least Google was). They did extensive off-public-road testing prior to asking the state of CA for…