
It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.

Eh, it’s not, but charges are difficult to follow through on without the help of the victim quite a bit. Granted as long as they have access to the video they should be able to nail him to the wall on it regardless.

After watching it a few times, even though he sounds like a whiny dick, he was in the right. I think if he had been silent through the encounter, your/our perception would be much different.

Yup, you are right, he could have simply just let her by, and it would have been a non-event. At the same time, she viewed him on the motorcycle as a sub-human, and decided that her day would be greatly improved if she pushed someone into oncoming traffic.

He acted better than I would have. Also when an article uses the word “snitch” it makes it seem like the motorcyclist did something wrong. A couple weeks ago I was in a traffic jam when i saw the guy in the car next to me chugging a miller high life who then proceeded to try to merge into the side of my car. Hell yeah

You know what? I’ve been a motorcyclist for 30 years of my life, and I’ve encountered that very situation countless times over the years. I’ve been hit, bumped, had trash thrown at me, windhield washers turned on me, and also, every now and again, have drivers intentionally push me out of my lane, just like that lady

If autopilot is more dangerous than distracted driving, then I agree. I doubt that’s the case, though.

My uncle is 6' 10", and his wife is 4' 11". It's very difficult for them to car shop.

What about the brave heroes that stopped to kick the rocks and gravel out of the road the camaro threw there. They’re doing gods work and saving the public from rock chips and cracked windshields. They’re the real stars of this video.

California certainly champions the push for renewables, but it still only accounts for about 25% of energy production. It is growing rapidly though. I work for a major electrical contractor in southern California, and our renewable department has grown by about 400% in the last 18 months.

LAPD charged with battery.

Observe well Damon, APC comments and commands as many replies as the original post. The man is a master at this.

Regarding people who scooch over, I do the valley to Culver City 405 commute and found surprisingly 2 types of vehicles who move over more often than others. The first isn’t much of a surprise, it’s pick up trucks. Despite them often being douche-y drivers in general, many I assume also own bikes and will move over

The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.

sorry, not sorry ;)

I hope this gets built simply for the incongruent novelty of seeing people with leather vests and bandanas riding ADV bikes.

Yes! I love the price point. Keep Honda on their game and have more choices. And apparently maxxis makes a knobby in this tire size.

He was far safer behind them where he can control the distance as opposed to trying to pass them or be in front of them.