

Have you ever met Jay Leno? I live in SoCal and see him driving stuff all the time. One day I bumped into him after he’d been giving one of his old Mopars a good thrashing. My car knowledge is no where near as good as Jay’s but he talked with me and we made each other laugh about some of the choices the manufacturers

two things need to happen:

No, this won’t ban modifying diesels. They are tuning it to purposely dump excess fuel to produce the rich black exhaust. Any well tuned engine should be able to run relatively clean.

No. Most SS bikes have the arm between the wheel and sprocket like this. Otherwise you’d have a tough time with chain to tire clearance. Wheel goes on rotor side not sprocket side. But you would have to lose the axle nut and possibly the wheel as well if the axle tube came out. Depends on the bike.

Looks like a shuriken, must have been thrown by a Kawasaki Ninja.

THIS is the proper way to check your brakes.

I am neither shaken nor stirred by this story.

As much as I know this is parody, there exists at least one man who really is like this or worse

Clearly the guy in the Lotus forgot to check his tire pressure.

You might think they're adequate, but proper snow tires are simply better. And not just better in some philosophical barely tangible way. You can feel the difference immediately in even small amounts of snow.

Taking air out of your tires will give you a wider contact patch which can sometimes help, but more often than not you actually want skinny tires for snow.

Dear Squids,

File this one under "Stuff only white people can do"

That curb just went

Things I wish I thought of: Exhibit A

You realize that's kph on the speedometer, right? So he's only going like 65mph. My neighborhood opens up onto a road very much like that one, which is hilly in both directions and has no shoulder. At all. And some people do go 60+ mph (40 mph zone) on it, which is not enough time to stop if the timing was just