
I forgot about Constable Bob until just now, and now I am ashamed of forgetting about Constable Bob.

I didn’t wait for your permission, and have already killed two other fry avatars. Am I doing this right?

It worked.

I'll be trying.

I've been a lot less active over the past year, because a new job has made random internet slacking around harder. But this place was important to me, and I'll try to make the jump, though I'm not optimistic.

Which, at least the last time I checked, they were making a movie of.

This whole thread kinda makes me want to watch Green Room, but your comment makes me think of the moment when they first step on stage at the Nazi club and I thought to myself "they aren't going to …" and then they did. That alone made the movie worth it for me.

I will say I am a frequent user of the headphones-into-controller audio output after my wife falls asleep, and it has never presented an issue for me. It's not gonna compete with a high end stereo system, but it's far from compromising.

The Last Starfighter meets a PSA about organic produce.

It's also at least an hour too long. Oof.

One of my casual acquaintances on Facebook will occasionally post snippets of content from him. They're all vague inspirational speaking stereotypes that wouldn't be out of place at an airport holiday inn conference room. He's super punchable, and most of the clips involve him shouting at young (mostly black) people

I don't hate this.

To be fair, it's easy to forget now just how fucking ubiquitous Emmerich's Godzilla was in 1998. Taco Bell Ads. Bus Ads. Nonstop wall-to-wall promotional effort literally everywhere. Puff Daddy sampling Led Zeppelin, for some reason.


This is painfully, painfully accurate.

This resonates with me. Thanks for the insight!

Thanks! That's good to hear

I've played the DS board game twice now. There's enough there that I'm happy I bought it, but it hasn't clicked yet. Does it get better as you learn its systems more smoothly?

L.A. Noire is mostly great. Which is to say, it's a great adventure game. Rockstar threw in a bunch of open world GTA-clone stuff on top because they felt like they had to, and most of that is not very good.

I restarted the original Morrowind last night. I probably put 500 hours into that game in high school and college, and haven't touched it since, and it really does fit like a glove. But boy, are you right about the fast travel.