
Gonna buck the trend here and say it’s not just you. There’s been an unfortunate trend by some of those opposed to this administration to use petty physical condemnations when there are plenty of good policy condemnations readily available. These people are monsters who brag about and flaunt their exploitation of the

Can I just have a lot of rum instead?

NOFX is definitely the closest on the list, and The Decline is a fucking great album, but that SoCal “skate punk” never really read as punk to me.

I don’t dislike bayside, and I don’t dislike any of the albums that were cited, and I don’t think any of them really qualify as punk.

She’s awesome. She even refused to gloat over her victory over her opponent, the self-described “Chief Homophobe” of Virginia, saying “I don’t insult constituents, and he’s my constituent now.”

As someone who surreptitiously-ish reads it in a browser at work with no sound, same.

Or you could let people live their own lives and do the things that make them happy?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an instagram and don’t take pictures of my food or drink, but I’m unclear how this is significantly different from a bully knocking a nerd’s stack of books out of their hands, and I’m pretty sure those

I don’t know if this answer counts because it definitely feels intended, but I think that Morrowind is basically tailor-made to be played “wrong.”

For theaters, I probably don’t have to point out that It is pretty good, and I may or may not have to point out that, while not at all scary, Happy Death Day is well worth your 90 minutes.

For streaming/home viewing things, I’ve also been on a bit of a kick recently. I’m not super into supernatural horror, though

I’m right there with you. I will admit to also being a sucker for the premise - that plus the Blumhouse name was enough to get me into the theater. And I left feeling pretty positive about this - it’s more clever than it is smart, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never watch it again, but it was well-made and I’m excited to

At a time when I’m feeling pretty low about the state of AVC, at least I know I can count on somebody to quickly and without prompting reference an obscure bit of trivia from the marginal 1989 Howie Mandel vehicle Little Monsters.

I am not a crackpot.

I still think, for all that it’s a little on the nose, “My Winding Wheel” is Ryan Adams doing what he does best - cheesy, earnest, poppy alt

“the tendency of online brands to attempt to co-opt pop culture—like body-snatching aliens moving their mouths in a vague approximation of human speech”
-- The KinjAVClub

*slaps forehead* Why didn’t I think of that?!

A friend had a leftover bottle of Suntory Toki from a party, and he didnt’ particularly like it, so I’ve been enjoying that in the evenings. Otherwise, though, I’ve been finding that beer hasn’t really sat well with me, and I’m in the liminal space between summer gin and winter whiskey where I don’t really know what I

I’m here, ish

That’s what I can’t decide. I’ve definitely put it down and not picked it back up in over a week; but i don’t want to be done with it forever. Maybe I’ll let it lie in its current state till I’m jonesing for it, and then plunge back in when I’m excited about it.

Thanks! It’s too late for me to edit now, because apparently that’s time-locked on Kinja, but I see the toolbar now.

I tried HTML tags in my original post, but edited them out because they didn’t appear to work for me.

I’ll jump back in for the first Kinja installment of “What horrifically out of date games is R00k33 playing these days?

First and foremost, years after it’s relevant or fresh, I’m getting way too into The Binding of Isaac.

For kicks, I listened to it and then Your Favorite Weapon back to back. It was jarring.