
As awful as these people are, is it me or is the rage over this picture mostly centering around a woman wearing an outfit that’s not feminine enough?

Saying which bands you saw at Warped Tour is a pretty good metric for figuring out how old someone is.

Wasn’t there already an “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” TV movie? I remember it being pretty good.

Way too much work for the bartender. Get me a Whiskey Ginger and save Smitty some hassle.

So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...

In a sign that I have thought way, way too much about this, I tried to make sense of the completely contradictory continuity that the movies try to foist off on us, and pretty much decided that there are three levels to it (warning: this is fairly deep nerdery, even by AV Club levels):

Their list:

This is no place for a reasonable discussion.

I just got engaged this week! Please take this opportunity to shower me with praise and affection for reaching this commonplace and relatively-mundane-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things milestone.

Sooooo, where’s all the commenters who said that this was a useless gesture? That DIsney would never submit? That the AV Club was doing something futile? All the naysayers and cynics who said that you might as well do nothing since that’s what “solidarity” gestures do? Weird how when disparate groups unionize they’re

Many. So many people on this discussion straight up suck.

They’re right, though. You have an incredible skill at having The Worst Take on any given topic.

He really meant “I believe unions promote a corrosive me-against-everyone dynamic that destroys the divine right of kings doctrine that I subscribe to.”

“I believe unions promote a corrosive us-against-them dynamic”
No no. Not treating your employees well and pushing to the point where they need a union to get what they deserve is what promotes a corrosive us-against-them dynamic.

“You will remember to wash your hands before you eat anything?”

Yeah, I’m usually at work when I read AVC, and can’t remember when I last clicked on a video on here at home. Sometimes I’ll see the article and think, hey, maybe check out the vid later, and then I don’t.

Donald Trump Jr. is going to teach his kid about socialism by giving half of her candy to some other kid who stayed home.

Booooo, go ‘Stros!

As someone who believes that A.V. Club is best enjoyed on a phone whilst sitting on the toilet at work, I don’t like this recent trend towards video posts instead of articles. Damn wiener kids and your youtubes! <shakes fist at Internet>.

Morrowind is still my favorite Elder Scrolls game for this reason: it’s the ultimate power fantasy. Becoming a god in that game is so much more satisfying than the other games.