
I like to think my hallmark in these threads (besides mentioning soulsborne every damn week) is playing something that's out of date and weird.

My wife and I were watching with closed captions on, as we often do because we're old and we listened to too much of the Devil's rock and roll when we were younger. During that scene, we looked at each other, paused, rewound, and watched without the CC on. I'm glad it was a joke for everybody, but we both agreed it

If you're going to go with a blend, Monkey Shoulder is a great start. It's also a pretty good cocktail scotch, if you're into that sort of thing.


Tough call.

It's endlessly riffable, too. Four ingredients in equal measure gives to lots of substitutions, which are fun even when they aren't good.

I'm a fan of all of those (and I'll agree with you re: Green Hat. Just can't get into it).

Yes, I'm responding to a comment from 5 years ago.

Demon's Souls just feels like a rough draft. There are so many things that were (wisely) removed from later games in the series: equipment burden, non-respawning crystal lizards, world tendency events, non-refillable healing items (which they inexplicably brought back for BB, my only complaint with the game). I

DS2 would actually probably be my other suggested entry point - it's probably friendlier on newbies than Dark Souls or Demon's Souls, and it's easier (and, I think, better) than Dark Souls III.

If you're starting cold on the Souls series, and you have a PS4, I really do think that Bloodborne is the best entry point.

Out of morbid curiosity, does badger urine substantially change in flavor when the badger comes of age?

I don't mean to pile on, because I definitely thought Bud was a pilsner also, but:

Never doubt the depths MRAs will sink to - I'm positive some of them have used "matriarchy" unironically.

Fanfiction communities are the worst.

This is a nit I absolutely cannot believe I am about to pick, but:

Me too, friend. Me too.

I had the same turning point. I just started wondering why they bothered, and why I should bother. There's just a nihilistic shock value thing going on in the back half of the film (now there's a sly anal sex joke). There were a lot of moments in the first half that showed promise, but it all got replaced with mean


For what it's worth, I agree with you emphatically. When it was over, the wife and I spent most of the next two hours criticizing it. I agree with basically everything in your below comment.