
Affleck's face in the header image is about as dead-eyed as anyone I've seen since Christie standing behind Trump

I'm sort of having the opposite problem. I know what every word in this article means, but that doesn't correspond to how they seem to be using them.

Strangely fine with it.

Thanks for actually including DC, list, even if it was just to bump Scandal

I don't know about "need" but I can't imagine a satisfying DS experience that isn't had with a controller. The game is so clearly designed for it that trying to use anything else is suboptimal. DS1 had keyboard/mouse controls, but I (and I think most) consider them unusable.

I fondly remember this. I certainly didn't watch it in 1986, though - either my parents taped it or it re-ran on something.

I think Darabont has the Long Walk rights. Whether it's him or someone else, I really, really want to see it done right. That said, I don't think TV is the right format. For it to be properly grueling, it's gotta be in one sitting.

TS is a more elegant game by leaps and bounds, no doubt. I don't think there's ever a time I'd rather play Labyrinth than Twilight Struggle if both were options, but more of a good thing is a good thing, so I'm happy it exists.

I have not, nor have I even heard of it! Tell me more.

It's in closed beta right now for its Kickstarter backers - they said they hoped to release in March, but given today's date, it seems like that's not happening.

I feel like between that and having to explain that Twilight Struggle doesn't feature sparkly vampires or little ponies, they're just setting us up to fail at this point.

Yeah, I guess they're out of stock and awaiting reprint. I picked up Andean Abyss at a convention directly from the guy who owns GMT (great guy) and it was one of their last copies - they'd left it at the convention the year prior, so it was available despite being sold out everywhere else.

It's a 4-player asymmetrical game about the drug cartel conflict in 90s Colombia. It's (sort of) card driven - there's just one deck of cards and no hand. There are four factions: the Colombian police, right-wing militias, left-wing guerillas, and the drug cartels. There are loose factional alliances, but nothing

I've done TI as well. But I'm intrigued by this Federation and Empire table-ruiner you speak of…

I have it filed under my "I bought it cause it sounded great, but can't get anyone to play with me" category. I've read the rules and played the solo game, and I like the system a lot.

Anyone wanna play Churchill? I can probably teach it in an hour and if we do the short scenario we can probably wrap the game up in 5…

That's fair - though I've definitely won on War Games with the US, too.

There are currently a couple of Twilight Struggle implementations online (Chantry Games is the best, in my opinion). Also, it's getting a Steam release soon.

Just be warned that you'll probably play your first game wrong, and it takes probably 5 plays to get any sense of what the right moves are in any given situation. It's a game that rewards memorizing the deck and knowing the relative value of points, operations, and lots of other fiddly bits.

I can't decide how I feel about Wargames. It's swingy, for sure, but all of TS is pretty swingy, and I think it adds to the thematic sense of unpredictability and tension.