
At the risk of revealing that I am a millenial (ducks as tomato is thrown), this makes perfect sense to me. Texts are by and large designed to be written in short hand. Unnecessary button presses are in general avoided - appearances of proper grammar in my texts are usually thanks to autocorrect and auto

Sir, are you aware that you're leaking coolant at an alarming rate?

I'll do it tomorrow

That Oregon Chai is pretty solid - I don't typically like Chai, but I don't think I'd have made it through the latter part of college without that stuff.

There's a ginger ale that I can only get from an empanada food truck around here (I can't even remember what it's called, I've never seen it anywhere else) - it burns hotter than some peppers, but is a really nice counterpoint to the generally greasy and delicious empanadas.


Fuck a major project that has taken up a good chunk of the last three years of my work life being rolled out today to fanfare a wet sad fart. It doesn't do half of what was promised, and may never do so, but we're sticking with it. For reasons.

I bailed on a halloween party out of town and wound up at a bar nearby owned by a friend. Having friends who own bars is the best, because I don't have to feel like I'm "out" but I can drink things that it'd be expensive or dangerous to keep in the house. Plus, there was another dude there who looked eerily like me

You're being fiscally responsible and classy? Damn, man.

After years of dithering around with ryes, I finally decided (apropos of basically nothing) to make a run at trying, understanding, and enjoying scotch.

Disaronno does what it does very well. And what it does is make drunk me drunker me in a sweet and pleasant way

And fuck the cop's fucking boss, who grudgingly admitted that the cop bears "some" of the responsibility for the "incident." No, the shithead bears all of the responsibility for the assault he committed.

Fuck that shit. We've had a deathflu roaming the office for what feels like all of October. Every time I recover, someone else gives it to me, and whenever I get it, I give it to someone else.

I love that Placebo track so goddamn much.


It's been an unkind season for my waistline, and the process of pulling out my fall/winter clothes only to realize that most of them don't fit right now was … not one of my happier moments.

I have those same moments every once in a while, and it is a nice reminder that I'm drinking for the taste, and not for a chemical habit.

Oh. Carry on, then.

I just got a rather unpleasant mental image of egg on your face.

I too took Linguistics in college, but I'd already read some of his political work as a precocious young pinko. It was a bit of an adjustment reading him in an academic context.