
I totally hear you, and I don't entirely disagree with a sentiment. But in a thread about a book on rape culture, it pays to be extra aware of bad arguments made in support of rape culture, and one of the more prominent ones is that women are things that have legal and illegal exchange methods, and your second

Your first sentence is correct.

It's also a sliding scale, and a lot of stuff only works on pure black/pure white.

Having sunlight maggot is non-negotiable for me. Yikes.

So, y'know, the plot of the fable it was based on.

It's easier if you just all let them call for wine. Or whiskey. Really whatever's at hand.

The thing you need to understand is that they're really easy to make.

The lack of gold is an inexcusable offense. I don't want to sit down to a game I was excited for and have to double-check to make sure it isn't Atlanta.

You had all the letters right, but the y goes after the h, not the l. It's Shyamalan.

The D&D bit gets cited pretty much any time someone proposes something ridiculous in our house game.

Is anyone really expecting Zack "Watchmen" Snyder to be insightful about superheroes?

I'll do this too and contribute, I suppose

The "single" from this album (i.e. it played on Pandora), "Things I Don't Remember," is a middling Modest Mouse song. Otherwise, it's forgettable junk.

There are real highlights in the CC portions of the show (Near Death Wish, The Late Philip J. Fry, Prisoner of Benda), and I think in general the consensus on the movies is that 23 minutes was about the right length for Futurama. The movies either drag in the middle, or feel disjointed, and while they have great

I remembered this fondly from my original watching of the movies, but I recently re-watched it, and I swear it's not the movie I remember. The bad parts (mostly the gender stuff) I had minimized in my memory, whereas I had mentally stretched out the final act (generally great) and the opening bit in Mars Vegas (silly,

To be fair, Fry has basically always been penniless. He once got excited for something like $0.67 in his checking account. So, him going back to broke feels more like "resetting" than dire straits.

I'm having a hard time disagreeing with any part of your list, and yet still I'm sad that "The Why of Fry" isn't on there, if only because it is a little too jack-of-all-trades to be superlative in any one category.

I've seen two.

I think I might have to see this. Huh. I did not expect that.

I used to have that problem, then I fixed it, and now I see double (four diks, etc.)