
I had the best damn martini I've ever had yesterday.

If it were clever, then sure. But it's just clunky.

I dunno about you, but I sure as hell don't come here for the pop culture wankery.

Is it wrong that I scrolled back up to check?

Counterpoint: it's usually much easier to solve things with murder than other means.

No, my response was more a measure of my general level of enthusiasm for Michelle Trachtenberg.


Now we just get 15 sequels.

I'm kind of surprised this wasn't a band from that era when every indie band was just two dissonant names smashed together.

It's a quick indicator that the discussion of politicians and their policies will be so bereft of depth or meaning that it's not worth reading.

This feels oddly anti-intellectual for Oliver.

I bought Shadow of Mordor months and months ago, when I first picked up my PS4, and never really dug into it. But, I've got a long weekend, and it appears to alternate between hot-as-balls and raining in DC, so I might as well stay inside and dive in.

The arrow landing on "tedious debate" still makes me laugh, but I really can't stomach the rest of the fantasy stuff. I play LotR board games for multiple hours and I couldn't sit through this stuff.

Ten bucks says you still think of him that way.

With a special two-part final installment!

Half of them don't even read as jokes - there's no content, just bullshit shock-value "observations."

Given your face … issue, at least it's not a wet heave.

Ohhhhhh … now I get it

Note: Scream died on the way back to its home planet.

"Something something China"