
I think it's near the People's Elbow

This'll work a lot better than my homemade version.

My parents were in town, which mostly meant drinking high-end booze.

I see your numbers and raise them with my 393!

Really, the cosmology of 80's comedies is surprisingly deep.

I think this is the plot of at least 5 80's movies. They're all great.

In a second, there's only a half hour left of Pulp Fiction on TV.

I just don't want to get Stuck in the Middle with somebody.


I call it a Hawking Chamber

This isn't even content, Internet.

I don't usually go in for schadenfreude, but then, I'm usually not dealing with this level of stupid. Vox Day thinks he's dancing on the grave of the Hugos instead of just being ignored like the troll he is, and it's deliciously pathetic.

A blind dating show: Guess Who's Cumming?

I originally got into them via Bonfireside Chat, which is a WOFF-style podcast dedicated exclusively to the Souls series.

This weekend I'm playing Visiting Brother and Sister-in-Law! It will mostly involve drinking and trying to stay out of the heat.

But it's all I'm good at!

Jeans don't go on your face, Dik.

Don't tell me that's an implication you're uncomfortable with, because I won't believe you.

You mean how I feel when I'm drunk is correct?

My brain likes to regularly ask me if I got that thing it sent me. The answer is almost always no.