
"And Fry, you've got that brain thing"
"I already did!"

There are a surprising amount of occasions in which "That's why you're still kids, cause you're stupid" is applicable.

I am such an Alien3 apologist. Especially the extended cut.

It can be two three things

Tucker and Dale was a lot of fun, but I definitely don't think it deserves to knock off any of the movies on this list.

There's a part of me that enjoys the thought that they share a fainting couch.

About damn time.


The most famous of which is getting involved in a land war in Asia?

"We manage to find our people," which in this case translates to twee hipsters in silly hats.

I really liked Stone Age five years ago, but I feel like so many games (including the three you mentioned) have come out in the last five years that just do things better than Stone Age. SA isn't terribly balanced, replays don't feel different enough, and there' aren't too many dynamic paths to victory. It's fine,

Saturday will be divided between grinding out some ranked League of Legends and finishing Bioshock 2, which I skipped over when playing the series originally, but am really enjoying. Sunday, of course, is DnD time.

It really is awful. It's mean, it's dumb, it's gross, and it has low stakes (which Futurama has done well in other episodes, but here just serves to make me wonder why I bothered sitting through it).


There's a real mean hostility to so many of the Futurama film strips. The adults just don't give a shit, and not in the affably incompetent manner of McClure - I'm thinking of the "whatever" in response to "gwoba wawa?" from the little girl, or the measured ambivalence to the existence of Bigfoot. Typically, I don't

I just started watching it about a month ago and am thoroughly enjoying it

This is the weirdest pitch meeting I've ever been at. I like it.

dot com

Up in the very northern part of Columbia Heights, right near Red Derby

This is all good advice, though I've lived in DC for five years and am just moving in with the missus, probably in the same neighborhood I currently live in.