
I'll be apartment hunting in DC at the beginning of next year, and I'm already stressing about it.


Bucky Ball would be a good name for a sexy chemical engineer.

I feel like "Bucky" is one of those nicknames that really has to come from someone else. You can't wake up and start calling yourself Bucky even if you're not a grown man.

Exactly. Properly played, these games feature zero jumpscares (Let's Play Clickbait notwithstanding) — but the threat of them is what creates the genuine tension, and the depth of story behind it is worthwhile (though I do think that film is probably not the way to best explore it…)

This was my experience with the show as well, and I absolutely dread rewatching it. I'm sure it's campy, but it was the Superman that resonated with young me the most.

Watching the Trek episode always just makes me want to watch Galaxy Quest.

This one, like "Luck of the Fryrish", feels more earned. It's the natural culmination of the entire episode. Seymour waiting for Fry, while sad, isn't set up by anything else in the episode, and feels manipulative (note: it works, really damn well). Baby love child is a sweet moment, but it's more likely to make me

I had this on in the background as I was doing some cooking, and it was enjoyable without being memorable. I feel like this was the right decision.

True. I could walk 3 more blocks and be at several more, including Lion's on Georgia, which is awesome. But, lazy.

I'm finally watching Korra, and I will never run out good things to say about it. Even with the mediocrity of the second season, it's just such a joy to be in that world again, and to see kids' animation taking itself seriously and knowing its audience.

I have yet to have anything by Sixpoint that isn't goddamn fantastic.

The liquor store near my house has been mysteriously closed, meaning my only option is either (ugh) traveling somewhere for booze or buying domestic six packs at the little corner store. It's been a couple of dark, miller-filled days at chez r00k33.

And they sell a fuckton, and that's just to me.

After some worries about time off and plane tickets, everything has fallen into place for my parents, brother, and sister-in-law to visit DC next month (why they chose to come to the swamp in August, I'll never know). I don't get to see them half as often as I like, since they live on the West Coast, and they'll all

From Margaery's POV


I'll be right back. I gotta google … stocks ….

Fuck, my 28th birthday is in a week and a half.

I know what all of the words in that headline mean individually, and yet