Another Internet Commenter

This would be tricky as I have very few subscriptions and things like that, and the few I have besides Netflix are not set to renew automatically - which is how I keep the bleeding from happening in the first place. So, last year I paid for a year of LastPass premium as I saw value in it... however, when next year

I don’t know about opera VPN... aren’t there security concerns with the entire company now that they’re run out of China? I’d be leery of using any VPN that I don’t control - My router has a VPN server built in that was super easy to set up, so if I want extra security I just dial into that with the open source VPN

Technically, you do control it because the only person that can decrypt it is you. For that matter, if you lose your main password and don’t have access to the various methods for getting into your account, your only recourse is to start over from scratch. They also provide various method for 2fa, and you can even set

Those words conjured some unfortunate - and hilarious - mental pictures.

I’m kind of surprised at how many men on here expect women to be super models... wow.

So I’m wondering what the social dynamics will be in game. Does a tiny dick affect your stats? Will women point and laugh as you walk by? We need immersion, dammit!

Ah, this quote becomes more and more apt:

Ha! I like it. If I had any money, I’d totally be an investor.

Ok, went back and looked at the only option that let me pick images puts it in a weird mosaic that crops the images in odd ways, and again only on the main. Oh well.

Yes, absolutely. I remember a while ago the media going nuts because someone measured a particular particle going faster than the speed of light - meanwhile, scientists were saying, wait, we don’t really know yet - and it turned out that they had a loose cable or something that was causing noise in their measurements

I’m curious as to whether this show will be delivered in half-seasons the way most british tv seems to work - with half of a “series” landing in spring and the other in the fall, for example.

Hm, I only remember seeing an option to set a particular image to your lock screen and that would only crop a dual-screen wallpaper oddly and stick it on the main monitor, IIRC.

That would be awesome! Thanks for looking into it!

Yeah, PS4 to PS4Pro would still keep your games working fine, however PS3 games will not work on PS4.

Yeah, PS4 to PS4Pro would still keep your games working fine, however PS3 games will not work on PS4.

While that’s neat, I was seriously hoping this worked the other way around - taking your wallpaper and using it as your lock screen. Especially since Microsoft still doesn’t seem to understand multiple monitors and only shows the lock image on the main screen...

Nope, been fighting that fight with them. If you have the old rates, you can’t go to the cheaper ones.

Ah, yeah that can be a lot harder to recover from.

Eh, for what it’s worth, I never wondered either and I’m Hispanic. Although I freely admit that I’m a major outlier in these things as I’ve never met anyone that sees things the way I do.

I did use it for that tiny space of time when Netflix worked in it. After that was killed by Netflix... nope, haven’t used it.

Or if they won’t (I’ve read a lot of places that they’ll refuse to enable the ethernet on the ONT), look up the router online and find out how to set it to bridge mode and disable wifi, then run your own router behind that. I’ve never trusted my ISPs to have one of their devices attached to my stuff. Too many