Everyone uses the term ‘uncanny’ valley, especially since Rogue One and the digital add-ins, likely because its a fun tech buzzword to throw around
Everyone uses the term ‘uncanny’ valley, especially since Rogue One and the digital add-ins, likely because its a fun tech buzzword to throw around
Unlike other companies the throttling is only when there is a lot of congestion and then you’re back to LTE speeds when the congestion eases up. Other companies have you throttled until end of billing period.
I’d agree, but I lost interest.
Sadly, this wouldn’t be the case if there weren’t so many guys who assume that a woman initiating conversation is an indicator of sexual interest.
I did something like this once. I had recently moved to a new city where I knew hardly anyone. I’d heard about an author event being held at a bookstore in a part of the city I didn’t know particularly well, so it was a challenge on many levels for this introvert.
I arrived at the bookstore and wasn’t familiar with the…
And entertainment is supposed to be entertaining. An antidote to stress, not a cause.
In a strangely philosophical way that is almost a good metaphor for what happens to Snake. How all the ideals that they have fought and died for are ultimately meaningless. It also kinds of parallels what happens to Big Boss at the end of MGS4.
In a strangely philosophical way that is almost a good metaphor for what happens to Snake. How all the ideals that…
If your bio is all about how much you love horses and your pics are all you on horses, don’t send me a one-word message, “Hay.” I will snort and gallop away.
Don’t: Because the wife might get mad.
I’ll see what I can do. :-)
i will make it up to you by going the distance in a short skirt/long jacket because friend is a four letter word and that’s just how i live with my rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle
In my experience, people that would panic or be scared were less likely to come up with a solution and take action than those that remained level headed and thought before speaking. This held true on research vessels in really bad weather and in office environments.
That sounds funny as hell. “Sorry sweetie, Dark Souls 3 is calling my name!” *drops toddler on floor, runs off.*
Agreed. The BEST deal I ever made was when I bought a used Jeep. They kept trying to kick up the price, then they played with the monthly payments by kicking out how long the loan would be. I kept telling them how much, what interest, and how long I wanted to pay and until they got it right, I was ready to walk out…
But even if you can’t be trusted with twitter you can still be the President of the United States.
I actually really like saving the photos of my Noctis beefing it hard. Keeps me humble. One of the first shots I saved was of my first open-world fight, getting thrown like a rag-doll by some beastie. Now, whenever I wreck dozens of soldiers like they’re nothing, I can look back and see how far I’ve come.
I tried it and I ended up outside the Netflix map and all I can see is an endless cascade of repeating thumbnails. Please send help.
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Big fan of this article.