
This is easily fixed. Get the names of the people doing it, and name of the restaurant and send a nice letter to the department of health and BBB. This way the people responsible and places that ignore (and thus condone) this behavior will get investigated and measures taken.

I agree, it is insulting... to pets.

#sorrynotsorry tp Sam and others that insist on bringing their ill-mannered screaming stains out in public and then promptly refuse to be a parent in public. As a parent, do your damn job of teaching your kid how to act. If they are too young to do that with yet, then guess what? Keep them at home. No one likes

Watching it now, and will watch the newer remake tomorrow.

I keep getting the error of the package being corrupt when I try to install it.

Which is why modern drivers have it easy. 👍

Just reinforces how laughably stupid New Jersey is.

Fuck Ajit Pai, and the rest of the corrupt FCC jackholes that sided with him. They will rue the day they betrayed the consumers they are supposed to serve.

Unless you’re on PC. There are mods to unlock all of the content in SP, including build-a-mission to play the heist storyline.

It’s 100% free unless you’re one of those gullible shark card buyers.

There’s always going to PC and make a private custom FiveM server for it where the haters and ass hats can’t participate.

Thank you. 👍

Jack, you might want to edit this again. It’s U B U N T U, not Unbuntu. And it’s not “Unbuntu on Linux”, it’s Ubuntu Linux.

It will at first (just as everything else has). After a few years it will get better.

Seems like false advertising if they still have ads when they claim it as ad free. That’s the main reason I don’t use Hulu: seemingly poor management.

s,This is why I run a modded GTAV for SP-only on PC. I can spawn all the Online content in SP, including my Online character model to have the clothing. There are also mods to have Online-like missions and other elements. Heck, I even have access to unreleased content from an Online update before Rockstar unlocks it

Super old, I know but... LSPDFR is NOT a GTAOnline mod. It is for offline/SinglePlayer Only. The only “online” stuff is on FiveM/FiveReborn and not on R*servers. Please fact check before publishing.


And let’s not forget the high cost of blinker fluid too!