
It’s too bad the series revolves around The Iron Fist. He is extremely annoying, narcissistic, and arrogant. Newsflash Iron Fist, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Cage already had to set your ass straight a few times on how things really work. You seem to lack anything other than tunnel vision.

I’ve come to rely heavily on the mute function when I’m on conference calls. Including needing to mute my end when a person on the call was being a complete jackass. It allowed me to say as much ‘privately’and then I was more able to find a way to fix the problem after listening in.

Can understand why they did some of that, but overall they were completely unprofessional. Perhaps they’ll do better flipping burgers instead of selling cars as they don’t need to be working at a car dealership. Definitely keep posting about it on social media so that more people (aka perspective customers) will know

It seems like a bit of a blanket to state that anyone/everyone wearing a Celtic Cross is automatically KKK/white supremacist. What if they have Celtic ancestry from that part of the world and are tolerant of everyone?

I often ate at my desk. The break room is pretty crowded at the time I take lunch. I don’t feel like being crammed so I chill at my desk. I change my status to away-lunch and ignore messages until my break is over.

“lol” and I’m assuming that what I suggested is better than the other comments I saw at the time of giving them whiskey and/or NyQuil to get them to sleep at 6pm so that you can watch the show.

It’s those sexist and ignorant morons that ruin gaming for everyone.

Or, if 6pm is too early, have them, oh.. I don’t know.. Go find and read a book they like? Maybe listen to music while reading? Space out in a healthy way instead of glued to a TV, computer/tablet? Just let them know that you want some alone time for an hour to watch something they can’t see yet, and that you love

Seems pretty simple in that LGBTQ have the same rights and deserve no less respect than anyone else. They are perfectly normal people that just want to live their lives in peace and in happiness. The problem is that all these religious jesus freaks and bible humpers love to cherry pick through that book of fiction to

Dion is a one hit wonder that is no doubt seeing a surge in royalties because of this game. Not only is the song on the ads, but also on the in-game radio. Ungrateful and greedy, this snowflake needs to stop acting like a child. It’s not like he’s popular or stands for anything.

Wow, that vlogger is a real dipshit. He doesn’t need a Tesla. He needs a bicycle instead. Those are cheaper to buy every time it needs tires.

Someone seriously wasted their time writing up on the legal and ethical faults of the sorting hat from Harry Potter? It’s a <censored> movie for Pete’s sake, not a documentary to educate kids on/about anything at all. I suppose the Doc must be low of clients to squeeze money from in order to come up with this crap.

Looks like it now. Didn’t see it before.

OpenIV has never been a tool used for online hacking/cheating.

I normally add green onion, some thin slices of deli lunchmeat (such as turkey, roast beef, or chicken. Sometimes a bit of all three) a soft boiled egg, soy sauce, and Siracha.

You can always try a Linux based system like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora or Manjaro

I hate what seem like random questions. I’m here to get a job, not play Trivial Pursuit.

“You bought the singleplayer, sure. Online was an add on bonus, that offers a lot (not all) right off the bat. The rest you can grind for, or pay for, or just fucking skip. Enough with the entitled whining.” Agreed 100% So much God dammed entitled whining with Online. Play it, or uninstall/sell it. Ether way STFU as

And this is why I’ll never use their service. I was going to try it, but fuck that now.

Cheaters geting what they deserve! Bravo! Damn snowflakes need to get the hell over it. Can’t/won’t obey the rules? Don’t play the game.