
I try very very VERY hard to be patient but the sound of children screaming is so aversive to my ears, it puts me in a dark place. I can’t handle it. I think its really cool that some places don’t allow children. I feel like the whole world caters to families, so its nice to have a place just for adults. 

Aw. I hear you. ;)

The level of entitlement of this guy is so damn high.

To be fair, Sam drinks a LOT.

Hey Sam, If it helps thin of this place and helping you become a better parent... It’s no longer about you.

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

Oh god. I have a friend who insists that her dog go to everything with her. I stopped inviting her to things a while ago because I just don't want her dog running around my place.

I think sometimes the problem with kids/parents is the same as some dog owners. The owner loves little fluffy! Fluffy is so good and cute! If you are a good person you MUST love little fluffy as much as they do. EVERY ONE LOVES LITTLE FLUFFY!!! Just replace Fluffy with the kid’s name.

Seems like a different cultures thing. Having to actually specify that seems crazy.

I want a semi photo mode in Monster Hunter World so I can just take photos of Monsters in the wild.

Wow!!!!!!! I love these! I’m impressed. I’ve been an amateur GTA photographer for years now, but never attempted anything near like what these people do. I take a lot of candid snaps and spend time going through them, but I don’t have the patience to do this level of work on them. Kudos to the photographers.

This is why I think every open world game needs a photo mode. Artists spend thousands of hours building these amazing worlds and being able to stop and take pictures of them is amazing and really lets their work shine. I’ve spent hours in Horizon Zero Dawn taking pictures - being able to adjust the time of day and

While I applaud girls for doing something thats mostly male based, I dont applaud the ones taking advantage of sex or their looks to gain popularity from it. Shes one of the ones that do this. Using looks and sex for views. It should be about the gaming not your tits. Gloom is another one that does this. Shes cute,

GTA as a franchise is dead. GTA6 - IF IT EVER HAPPENS - is all but guaranteed to be nothing but microtransaction bullshit. And so is Red Dead Redemption 2 for that matter.

Yep, that’s what angers me. The single player story is missing some massive features that Online gets. Hell, you can’t even buy car insurance in the single player game. How hard would that be to implement?

The fact the broader world of Online never really changed outside of the addition of new missions and access to buildings always bothered me. I couldn’t buy into a “living breathing” world that... never really changed or reacted to actions taken within it.

The short answer is that Rockstar doesn’t care about GTA V anymore. All their money is pouring in from GTA online, so V is just an afterthought now. When it all started, Rockstar tried to make the two storylines fit together. Lester vaguely mentions the player character from online when planning the first heist in V,

Maybe parenting should be taught in schools.

Perhaps then we should have a punishment for parents that allow their kids to play these games? I don’t know whether it’s right or it would work, but our childhood experiences are extremely important to our mental growth, and while I do enjoy some games with violence in them, I can definitely agree that there is a

That’s on the parents buying their wee ones Call of Duty, though, not the industry itself.

I really wanted to try beer when I was underage. Guess what my parents didn’t buy for me?


I really wanted to see R-rated movies when I was young. My friends who had “cool” parents got to see them; I didn’t unless I snuck