
and yet, we still can’t get a reboot of Bosom Buddies.

This is when Hughes lost all credibility?!

I think at this point the best approach is to have someone come forward claiming to be the real George Santos.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

They’re not pro life, they’re anti-women.

Surreptitiously implanted 5G microchip take the wheel!


The perfect crime!

So do I need to watch them all in order or just the post credits scenes?  :D

These people should be in jail not out gathering more information on the very people they tried to disenfranchise.

Just a reminder, when the Root runs an article that raises awareness of White Supremacy attempts to turn things back to the 50s KKK days, and the fight to keep that from happening, we have Faux News/NewsCrack legions in our greys that try to derail any such conversations via any kind of distraction and divisive anger

It’s actually slightly off, being either “wuh-STAH” or “wih-STAH” depending on where you are.

Your comment, all the way down to your syntax, is 100% right out of a Russian troll playbook.

We don’t talk about Fight Club.

Cher doesn’t seem to be in a state of mental decline so I’m not worried about him taking advantage of her. And he’s an adult in his 30's who isn’t her employee and didn’t meet her when he was a child so I don’t think she is in any position of power imbalance that would mean I’m worried that she’s taking advantage of

Dumb question: why are the players allowed to bring their own beanbags? It seems only sensible to me that, above a certain level of competition, all the players are issued regulation bags by the organizers. I can’t imagine they would be that expensive to make or buy.


A crummy commercial? Sonofabitch!