“It was the one-oared man!”
“It was the one-oared man!”
This isn’t the first time Paul has gotten really hammered!
The election in just under two weeks is absolutely the most important election of anyone’s lifetime. It may be one of the most important elections in the history of the country.
“That’s no moon . . . it’s Joel McHale!”
She feels that Olivia Wilde can’t catch a fair break. But that’s her truth.
How does Giselle feel about this?
A DNA test proved that Elizabeth Warren does have Native American ancestry
Where is the “freedoms” these MAGA lunatics always talk about?
Yeah but this way the fossil fuel industry can help the GOP sweep the midterms and usher in our inevitable future as an authoritarian petro-state.
So. I did some digging and found this gem of an article from March of 2013 that Jezebel published not long after Anne had won her Oscar. It was written by Jennifer Wright (an editor at The Gloss).
me too!
The WASPs will love it, but the Irish and Italian Americans are gonna hate it.
The GOP trying to define racial idenity? I did Nazi that coming.
Its also meant to intimidate parolees (especially black ones) from voting in the first place since it appears even being approved by the state to vote won’t keep you out of jail.
Lay off Reader7890, they’re a good Grammar Cop! They may not follow the rulebook, but they get results!
Maybe Jez should also have a no assholes policy.
smooth move laxalts
More or less dystopian than 16k corpses?
“I love you, Subway!”
Obligatory stolen scene (and one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on any screen):