In case you aren’t up to speed on candidate Walker.
In case you aren’t up to speed on candidate Walker.
Which policies? People keep talking about the Biden administration “policies” being the problem, despite oil execs telling their shareholders that they are the ones keeping price artificially high. Telling an activist at a campaign stop that they are going to end fossil fuels isn’t a policy.
It was noisy, so low you were looking up at every other car on the road, skittered and jumped when you hit small bumps, yet I still miss my Saturn SL2. It ran, and ran, and ran. Then my daughter needed a car so I gave it to her and it ran and ran. Then she bought a newer car so we gave it to a friend in need for his…
Nancy Pelosi said on TV “He’s not man enough” to show up.
Which policies, exactly? Constant talk about “Biden’s policies”, but no one ever actually references a policy.
The Biden administration does not control private companies. You seem to want him to, but that would be that communism thing you keep warning us about.
“What I should have sung was...nothing.”
Biden just pardoned all federal prisoners with non-violent marijuana charges, and encouraged governors to do the same. He is also changing it from a schedule 1 drug.
When it’s a story, you can apologize and maybe everyone comes out a little better. When it’s a court case, there is only winning and losing.
Nice whataboutism. Still doesn’t make me forget a guy running for office was masturbating outside a preschool.
Is Maricopa County close to any large holes in the earth that smell like sulphur? I mean, these creatures have to be coming from somewhere.
I like cookies.
Puppet show and Chloë Grace Moretz
Maybe we should have more descriptive census options:
The last guy who used the “just locker room talk” excuse turned out GREAT! What could possibly go wrong with this guy?
While the Democrats have failed on many fronts, you seem to misunderstand how Congress works. Obama didn’t give away the Supreme Court seat. Republicans obstructed it for over a year. Republicans have been obstructing the Senate for more than a decade and you don’t seem to understand that it will take 50 Democrats…
It’s easy for those of us in comfortable situations to say it’s really important to vote. But it’s more important now than ever to vote if you’re in Florida. I can understand the fear of police showing up confusedly telling you there’s a felony warrant on you. But if just registering is enough, they’re either going to…
I’m expecting the second half of the story being that her insurance denies the claim because the trip to another hospital was unnecessary, or they don’t cover out of state emergency trips.
So it seems like polls are turning back to favor Republicans. Because, once again, Democratic voters have forgotten that there was a coup attempt, forgotten that a Supreme Court picked by an extreme right wing group turned over Roe without any new evidence and is looking to go after more rights, forgotten that…
The Big Lie people keep saying they have proof, but have not produced any of it. It’s been almost two years. If you still believe the Big Lie, you’re working really hard at it.