
Walker can read a playbook, when the plays are simple enough.

Another person who thinks they have superhuman reflexes, the skill of an F1 driver, and the ability to do four things at once.

Someone said some words. Those words were copied and pasted. Some random people were attached to those words. Just be quiet and thankful that the words weren’t in a slideshow.

I’m not opposed to having it as an option for a car. A lot of teenagers would be alive today if their car kept them from going 100.  

It does seem like they want marijuana to be legal, but still be able to lock up black folks for having it.

So what you are saying is that other than his incompetence, policies, and support of an insurrection, he’s a great guy?

Yeah. I’m hoping it actually is easy. I mean, they know how much people owe. If you were to miss a payment, they wouldn’t hesitate to notify you. So how hard can it be to make this work? I’ve been to the RMV too many times in my life, I guess.

That is true. I was speaking too broadly. It does seem to be an issue almost exclusively confined to a specific gender, sexuality, and color.

I see that we’ve gotten 100% of people to have an open floor plan. Now we need to get them pay to separate it all again.

It’s easy!

Men: No real reason to hate womankind, but still constantly committing violence.

Is an article disparaging the media hype part of the problem, or part of the solution?

People in the UK think left turns are easy.

It’s about empathy. Authoritarians don’t understand empathy. They see it as weakness instead of strength.

You are correct, I believe. The democratic led legislature did vote for it. But there was a plan ready to go, waiting for a disaster like this to implement it. That plan is driven by the right wing and Republicans. But plenty of blame to go around.

You get a lawsuit thrown out because one lawsuit doesn’t show a pattern of discrimination. Can’t really show a pattern if you never start counting.

Yes. In fact, DeSantis can’t think things up for himself. He waits for the right-wing think tanks to tell him what to do, or for someone else to do it first. He saw how popular Abbott was getting with his stunt, and decided to do it himself.

I picture a bunch of serious people in gray suits filing into a classroom and waiting solemnly for the presentation to start...

I like watching football, but it’s a little sad that his only accomplishment was being good at a ridiculous and unhealthy sport.

After Katrina, Republicans had the schools privatized before the electricity was back up everywhere.