
If you’re in Florida, remember you need to check your voter registration constantly. And if you fight through the disenfranchisement this election, you could get a Democrat for a governor. And if the lawsuits don’t settle until after the election, that Democrat might get to redraw the district maps.

I’m not sure what the correct answer is. But the landscape has changed. We’ve gone from parents taking the teachers word on a situation, to parents backing their kid until presented with evidence, to parents backing their kid even when presented with evidence. I sat in a meeting where a parent was shown a video that

Whenever police fail to stop a crime, they always say they need more cops.

People tend to start with “I should have kids”, because that’s the societal norm. But the population is straining the planet as it is. You should start with “I don’t need to have kids” and then see if you can come up with some really good reasons to have them.

Funny how you can’t guess what kids might like. Mine were hyper excited about sleeping in a tent at the Grand Canyon, but didn’t want to look at the ridiculous amount of stars with meteors visible shooting by every few seconds. And when they got to see the actual Grand Canyon?....nothing. They were ready to leave. But

Road tripping with the family? Check your local museums and zoo. Their annual passes usually reciprocate with places across the country. We had about five free visits in our cross country trip with our local science museum passes.

Too soon? In a couple of years they’ll be doing the TV show while the scandals are happening. Once the surveillance and processing power hits Minority Report levels, we’ll be watching the scandals before they happen. Some CEO will wake up thinking everything is great, then turn on the TV and find out they’re screwed

To expand he audience, she’s gonna need an ad for the white moderates. How’s this for copy?

What he’s saying makes perfect sense. We’ve got to drill for more food. That’s what plants crave.

Companies will always eventually end up where they can make the most profit.

It’s definitely streets ahead

This is what TV used to look like. You have been mired in the Intangible Sludge.

Hah! He was old when he did that movie. I remember him from the made for TV movie Stranger On My Land!

Lots of bands do pop/rock. Most sound like the most generic, forgettable pop/rock you could imagine. They’re missing some magical ingredient that elevates them.

If you don’t like baseball, there’s only two movies. A League of Their Own is heartfelt, funny, and a true history. The Sandlot is what kids used to be like, back when we let them go outside and be kids.

Hopefully at least the don’t say gay bill is the same wording as the one in Florida. It likely is, because they’re written by PACs. Right now in Florida some teachers are circulating a draft of a memo to be sent to parents that they have to follow the law not to talk about sexuality or gender expression, so they’re

I’m sure the right wing will rush to defend her.

They aren’t sacrificing children to end a Supreme Court decision. They are sacrificing girls to keep control over everything. Because if you can keep girls uneducated and in the kitchen, they’re less likely to grow up to be women who vote for Democrats.

I think the SLABS might be the biggest reason we’re getting the delayed action. If we get another crash, or even a bit of recession, it will be another 8-12 years of Republicans. And this time they’ll probably succeed with the coup.