
I definitely see where you’re coming from, and as someone working in the IT profession I totally understand the desire for detailed release and feature notes..... however most users would be more confused than helped if (for example) apple started rattling off specific bug fixes instead of saying something along the

Please don’t do this... the OEM battery in your phone is not the same as that shitty $12 battery you found on Amazon.

This is such a non-issue. A minor downclock to give you better battery life is perfectly reasonable, and a brilliant solution considering by the time your battery degrades far enough for the downclock to be significant- it’s probably time to replace the phone (3+ years).

Like probably half of all lifehacker articles that one is wrong. Yes, objectively speaking an ice cube made with distilled water will be ever so slightly clearer than one with a high mineral content, but it will barely be noticeable, if at all. If you truly want “clear” ice you have to freeze it in a way that keeps

“...and found six more shards embedded in the rug after I thought I had vacuumed up everything”

Trying to understand food systems in a fucking Animal Crossing game is like trying to understand the anatomy of Cars. It’s brilliantly stupid. Not everything has or needs a fully fleshed out, well thought background and world with it.

Hey, Yoko Taro, guess what ... humans are animals that eat other animals. And they justify it based largely on their ability to walk on two legs and talk.

I am pretty deep into the Apple ecosystem at home and Windows at work. Apple is far from perfect, but in my small family, our 3 iphones, 3 ipads, 2 Apple TVs and MacBook work together just about seamlessly. I don’t care for the smarthome anything. And TouchID and Apple Pay are pretty damn flawless.

having just moved to apple from android, i concur about the grass thing. Plus i have no idea if iOS is buggy as I have no frame of reference.

What if I’m equally unnerved by Google’s corporate practices and would like to avoid them as well?

My advice: the grass is rarely greener. While Apple devices are my primary ones, I use Android/Windows (Surface) daily, and they all have their problems.

Let’s see. JT’s idea or Emily’s idea?

Right, that makes a lot more sense. My bad!

OK, that’s getting way too portmanteau-ish for a title blurb.

no, his whole point was that the two fit together perfectly. To make it all fit into a strawberry you have to do work.

This article is a perfect example of the problem it talks about....from a media source.

I dunno - Seether’s cover of Careless Whisper is pretty awesome.

Am I the only one getting this page formatted for mobile on my desktop? I’ve tried multiple browsers. Kind of annoying to have 5 inches of blank screen on each side.

Am I the only one getting this page formatted for mobile on my desktop? I’ve tried multiple browsers. Kind of

Im just going to throw this out there... not trying to hate, but this new look of a screen-filling header of low-res compressed images, followed by a narrow (640p wide?) column of content is distractingly ugly (on desktops at least)

Im just going to throw this out there... not trying to hate, but this new look of a screen-filling header of low-res

Bitcoin isn’t real? You think that paper the government prints till no end is real? Atleast like Gold there is a finite number of Bitcoins that can be mined. You’ll be whistling a different tune when the dollar collapses.