
I get it, but what is the fun in doing this if your not really playing the game? 

quit bragging

Think you’re misreading that. You can get a free copy if you buy the headset. If you already own the headset, you can get 10% off the game by pre-ordering.

I haven’t watched the episode, but I might have to soon knowing that Artie Ziff is in it, because every post-classic episode with Artie Ziff has been shockingly decent. And yes, that includes the Treehouse of Horror segment he was in. I wish I could say the same about Mona Simpson, who they really need to retire (they

What a case of the tail is wagging the dog. A minuscule niche of oddballs getting way to much attention.

What a cesspool of attempted projective control. Where is common courtesy and consideration toward those confused by the cross-currents of passing fancy and tradition?

They made it very clear that only Reach was available at the moment. Sounds like a lack of comprehension on your end.

Not sure how you’re having those issues when i can run the game on enhanced graphics settings with a 1050 2Gb and 12Gb of ram 🤔

Currently, Only Halo: Reach is available for the Master Chief Collection on PC. If you already bought the full collection on Steam (or the Microsoft Store), then you’ll get access to the games once they become available one at a time throughout 2020 (no exact release dates have been given for the rest of the games yet)

RE6 really isn’t a bad game. I bought it for cheap during a Steam sale and only finished Leon’s campaign, started the Chris Redfield chapter and shortly after I put it down (not Old Yeller style). I stopped playing it not because it was bad but because something better grabbed my attention. My only complaint I had

Now playing

While there are a lot of glaring flaws (very bad QTEs, very bad one off driving/flying sections, etc), the core combat mechanic is really good, I dare say it’s the best in any of the action RE titles (RE4, 5, 6), the controls in particular is amazing, the variety movements you can do is still unmatched by any games to

I also really enjoyed the game and didn’t understand people’s hate over it. Also it makes sense for these characters to not be so afraid since they’ve been doing this for how many years now. Also I feel like people forget that RE 4 was pretty linear as well.

lol =p

Nobody will read this, since I very rarely post and am in the grays, but oh well. I hate the term “porch pirates”. It trivializes their actions and makes it seem silly and less serious.

THEY’RE THIEVES. They’re criminal scum.  Refer to them as such.

Didn’t you know? Advice is only good if it applies to every single person in the world without exceptions!

Sure, not everyone has that option, but it’s an option for some nonetheless.

I’m surprised “Send it to your office” is not on the list. I have most of my packages sent to my office anyway, even outside of holiday season.

Either have it held at the post office for pickup, or have a neighbor snag it.

Also, if it’s flagged as delivered and it’s not there. Wait a day and see if it shows up, on

It’s been 15 years since we saw Half-Life 2. It’s only been a mere 12 years since Half-Life 2 Episode 2 came out. Stop exaggerating you troll.

That’s not my take away, at all.  He doesn’t hate “normie” easter eggs, he hates lazy easter eggs that break immersion.

Meh, I can see his point but would say it kinda depends on the game - Put that Ghost Knight scenario in something like PUBG and it can be utterly ridiculous without worrying about breaking that dreaded “Fourth Wall”. It could work in games like Thief, Witcher and the Elder Scrolls series but games like Fallout and