
Every airport and every airline is different, and none of these tips are going to work consistently - to the point where they will not work as often as they will work.

I have never seen an Airline gate check a bag with the fee waived. I know it’s usually a big pain in the ass, so they won’t waive it.

In the meantime please enjoy hunting down this autoplay video for ______ while you hunt it down to disable it as it blasts out to everyone within 25 feet of you with ears, and make sure to click through to any one of the many, many, many Amazon links we paste in posts or create entire pages around so that we “may” get

You could use the same reasoning about every article that you write. Oh is this content that I’m supposed to enjoy? a company profits from that.

You know what I do when commercials come on the Internet? I block them. You should do a post on the best way to to block all ads on Lifehacker, padded out with snark about how much the ads themselves suck.

Hilarious that an article on this ad-mindfield of a site is attacking commercialism. Hilarious that I’m reading it anyway...

Are we running out of things to complain about?

So no point at all.

What’s the point?

Well stated, good sir. I was wondering the same thing, it all just seems so dramatic and over-the-top. Basically, if you can’t stay home alone and avoid family and their crappy food that’s been prepared for you, at least sneak in some booze & drugs to get yourself through the miserable, traumatic experience while

So at what point did these gatherings become so distasteful? Why have they become so complicated? What makes these gatherings so unpleasant? Most of the suggestions in these Lifehacker articles are defeatist, promoting avoidance. What has changed in the social dynamic that is causing people to have to “put up with it”

These aren’t extended trials, and even though Kristin thumped me back into the grays, this article isn’t touting fair use:

Personally, I’d like to see the following:

“Can’t get along with anyone in your family? How to know if YOU are the asshole.”

It seems to be part of a larger trend here on Lifehacker. It used to be “Let’s make life easier” but now it’s just “Life is too hard.”

Too late, can’t hear you, riding off into the sunset! ;)

I’m seeing a very odd trend in Lifehacker Thanksgiving articles. Consider just over the past 24 hours:

“HotStepper is just a killer app waiting for the right platform, walking one step ahead of us.”

Thank god! I was getting tired of having to use my brain even the tinniest of bits.

Nobody insinuated “underhanded.” The insinuation is “sad.”

My method is to wander the road on weekends collecting littered bottles and return them for deposits to cover the cost.