Typical commanding title. Guess it's time to start recycling.
Typical commanding title. Guess it's time to start recycling.
“One thing I can say with 100% certainty is that those two creations would have never existed together at today’s halftime show had I not brought the two together in my mashup video.”
Look at this guy.
I didn't have any trouble finding it on my own. I guess you guys weren't looking very hard.
Just buy metal ice cubes instead.
Good for you, I guess...?
People actually miss that guy?
I’d rather have this than a title be exclusive to one of many streaming services, In that scenario, you either sub to several services at once, or pirate.
“I true to use the V.A.T. system”
“No matter what your political affiliation, you can probably agree on one thing: politics have gotten stressful.”
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be aware of it at all - the problem is that he’s over-aware of it because the site is covering it very frequently, to a point that he doesn’t want to see further coverage of it anymore.
“They have tried polite for many years, this is for the selfish assholes who need to listen up.”
I won’t miss Flash.
Same for me, except with the Democrats.
“Not great companies.”
As useless as ever, I see.
“The best option? If you can, buy a physical copy of a movie or TV show that comes with a digital download. At least you’ll have a backup in case your digital copy disappears—assuming you still have a player to watch it on.”
nExT qUeStIoN
Not to try and one-up the app, but I consider it worth noting that this is possible on the free version of Overcast too. Only downside is that you have to sign up for an account on the website for it to keep track of your podcasts and progress.
Gee, the sarcasm is almost dripping from the screen.
Yes, everything is gonna get replaced by a machine eventually. Keyword here is “rapidly”. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say.