
I deleted your comment because it wasn't constructive. If you actually were willing to engage in a conversation, that'd be one thing. But throwing out insults and telling someone that you hope he or she loses their job is pretty tacky.

And you're a giant pain in the ass who couldn't be more underqualified to make any sort of assessment about what kind of person I am. You're also a huge bully.

So needing IV steroids is completely normal? And high fevers for days after? Since when?

So every single person who opts out of the vaccine, even if they've had a reaction to it, is a malicious asshole?

Why are you so hateful? I don't usually feel the need to defend myself on this thing, but this is a whole lot of bullshit, especially considering you don't know where the fuck I'm coming from. First and foremost, I don't work directly with patients and haven't for about 4 years. Unless you can spread the flu virus

Get off your high horse- I don't work in direct patient care.

I haven't worked in direct patient care in three years. I'm behind a desk most days, actually. I'm not putting any patients at risk by not getting vaccinated. I had one questionable reaction years ago that landed me in the ER and haven't risked it since then, especially since I've gotten pregnant. I was out of work

Yup. I've been pregnant for the past two flu seasons and didn't want to risk it.

They've never fired anyone over refusing the vaccine, (as far as I know) but they do make you sign a very long waiver if you don't get it.
And if there's one thing that's constantly reinforced in this career it's that you're very easily replaceable. Thats how hospitals get away with working you to the bone.

Speaking as a registered nurse who has lied about getting the flu vaccine for the past two years, this has nothing to do with protecting the health of others. The company is looking for a reason to refuse her paid sick leave if she happens to come down with any flu-like symptoms. I've seen at least three of my

I had a baby two months ago and all I can't quite zip up any of my winter costs. I've been dressing in extreme layers to keep warm! I totally want to buy a new coat but can't quite justify it.

I simultaneously love and hate BFing. I can't stand the fact that I'm solely responsible for the feedings. Unless I pump, which is rare. Because most of the time the pump equipment is burried somewhere under a pile of dirty dishes that still need to get done. And whenever I do pump a few oz, I always find the bottle

Hah. I tried to get a prescription for Adderall when I was in grad school. I went to a psychiatrist and tried my best to convince him that I had ADD. He talked to me for two minutes and diagnosed me with social anxiety disorder. Not my proudest moment.

I find that most people who own up to shitting themselves make for enjoyable company.

I find that most people who own up to shitting themselves make for enjoyable company.

Exactly. Me too! Congratulations :)

This is exactly what my post-partum hormones did not need to see right now- I'm sobbing all over my baby. These people are wonderful.

I just pushed out an eight pounder a few days ago and I swear my stitches just popped open from reading this headline. Childbirth is no joke and this lady deserves a gold medal.

Does the placenta get to wear a cute going-home outfit?