
If you actually had an allergic reaction to the shot while pregnant, it is very simple to get a doctor's note explaining that fact, and no one will force you to get a shot that you medically can't handle. No need to lie. Unless, of course, you simply already had the flu when you got the shot, and the steroids you say

My doctor told me to rub taco shells on my face for my cold, and seven days later the symptoms were all gone. Miraculous!

Be kind to yourself, love. As with all things—it is not for everyone and, fortunately, there are many, many, many ways out there to be a fabulous mother and feed our babies.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Ugh. I would date him. Ughhh.

A bunch of women I know are posting this on FB. I find it simultaneously gorgeous and horrifying, and, until now, I feel that no one has acknowledged the creepy part. And I say this as a mother and a pregnant woman: freaky... But beautiful. There is something completely uncanny about this.

Love love love!!
It maybe nbd for all the cold hearted bastards that will shed a single tear but for the new mom who's feeling ALL THE FEELS IN THE WORLD, I'm officially a freaken disaster. Poor wee one that's drenched from mommy's tears and errant booby milk...

No, you are mistaken. Slavery is forced labor without remuneration. That's exactly what forcing a person to carry and bear a child is. There are other modes of slavery besides the Atlantic slave trade.

My mom is an elementary school nurse, and she moved The Talk up from late spring to early fall because otherwise half the class had started their periods by the time she did The Talk. (The boys still get theirs in the spring.)

My husband has an ileostomy bag (colon cancer survivor). Our son was delivered via c-section. One night, right after our son was born, his bag exploded and my incision ruptured, so we had a big 'ol shit-and-blood mess in our bed. BEAT THAT, NERDS!

But this is arguably learned sexism. Women learn to police one another according to standards set by the male gaze. For example, the infamous scene in Sex and the City movie where Samantha excoriates Miranda for not having shaved her pubic hair completely off. Where does the hairless standard come from? The male gaze

I also have that problem. It has taken my mother-in-law three years to send me checks with my last name (I refuse to refer to MY GIVEN NAME as my maiden name) instead of my husband's last name. It's infuriating. I don't mind if people I've just met/met through my husband mix up my name (after all, I don't mind if new

Only when my passive-aggressive MIL insists on writing checks as if I changed my name. The bank doesn't blink if I put them in our joint account, then I move the money wherever I want.

My excuse? I'm lazy.

Any marriage where you feel weird about pooping in your own house is not a strong one.

Wait, people actually know the words to the song? I didn't even know that line was in there... is it the one about the banks of the ol' Raritan? Come to think of it, I pretty much just joked around during the Freshman orientation weekend. I'm a bad alum.

In Joe's defense, he's got all that poison inside him.

My husband ducked out quickly a few hours after our little one's birth, and I was all "Oi! Where you been, Mr Whinge??" Then he produced enough sushi to bathe in. That, my friends, is love.

It was even weirder when her boyfriend would visit and they'd bang to them. I'm not 100% certain that this actually happened, but those songs seemed to be on pretty frequent rotation. I imagine them climaxing together as the 2nd tower fell.

Everyone's so damn afraid of carbs. Over ten years after Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution warned dieters worldwide