Quinn's Cousin-or-whatever

Here for the commentariat as well. Often I just skim the article and head straight for the comments.

And also F Jez for posting the actual image. It shouldn’t have even been a link, but including it is so much worse. 

I refuse to participate in that poll because “trash panda” is not an option. 

Boone’s Farm lol. I haven’t thought about that stuff in years (and no, not cuz I blacked out from it...)

No, but I’d say lying under oath meets that standard.

For some people, sure.

Fair enough but impeachment isn’t exclusively for removing someone who wasn’t “duly” elected. It’s not a referendum on the legitimacy of their election, but rather their fitness for and/or performance in the position.

Can you explain “duly elected”?

All his raping and assaulting aside (cuz yeah, that’s how insane our world is, that that isn’t enough to dismiss someone and we still have to listen to these assholes) how on earth could anyone think he comported himself during this hearing in a manner befitting a Supreme Court Justice? He looks fucking incompetent

I saw “Maricopa” and that’s all I needed to know.

That initial expression when everyone starts laughing, before he recovers, is just delicious

“I mentioned words

Eh maybe so, probably some of both. 

All I heard was Howard Stern not knowing how to shut up and let a guest talk 🤷🏼‍♀️

Season 1 is the best anyway, so I just keep rewatching it lol.

I used to get so angry at NPR on the weekends for playing that crap when we all know they should have just put on more re-runs of Car Talk. 

We should all hold Chet against him

Cackling out loud at Renner.

I have no dog in this fight but I starred you for the excellent gif. 

I used to like her, circa Big Trouble, before the whole MPDG thing went full-on. I agree that now she is twee and insufferable. And Ben Gibbard is probably a dick anyway but I have a nerdy crush on him so I dislike her for that as well lol