Quinn's Cousin-or-whatever

My grandfather, the nicest, mellowest person I’ve met other than my husband, had an intense and frankly irrational dislike of John Payne that has now passed through two generations (my mom and sister can’t stand him either).

Something about her face bothers me. And I know that’s super shallow and bitchy and not at all the kind of thing I want to say about people, but this is the place to say it. 

Of course she has! And she was great at it!

I don’t know but it’s almost as terrifying as his whole look. 

Sporty spice nostalgia? 

Forget the wig- What is happening on her feet?! Are those sheer socks with sandal heels?!

Such an under-rated movie!

His face is small for his neck and he looks way too young and I’m an old who doesn’t get any of it.

Plenty of terrible movies do well at the box office...

Now playing

Yeah but not ones that They Might Be Giants have made songs about

This was always one of my biggest pet peeves in Buffy but I realized it made sense as a way to hide the stunt doubles’ faces.

Damn yes it should be! 

My three and a half year old alternately tells me I’m her favorite mommy ever (pretty sure she’s never had another one lol) and “go away and leave me alone forever” as she slams the door on me. You are not alone- small children are adorable, amazing, and insane jerks. 

I’m sorry that I don’t have much advice other than that you can probably put your student loans into some kind of forebearance/deferment until you have a new job. I’m sending good vibes your way that you find a job soon with employers who are much more honest and willing to appreciate you! 

I’m so sorry you’re going through that. You are awesome for being so brave and your dude is awesome for being so supportive. My thoughts are with you.

I think the problem is there are a ton of contributing factors and people don’t like that kind of thinking. There is no single magic solution to weight loss and that makes it really really hard because so many things are stacked against us, and many we can’t control at an individual level.

Yep there’s definitely a culture of athleticism and doing outdoorsy things in the metro Denver area that I think is a big contributor. I am the least athletic person in the world but I have lived here since undergrad and definitely have noticed the social pressure to run/hike/ski/whatever; it’s a huge contrast to

Exactly. I don’t want a phone that is a tablet, I don’t want it to recognize my face, I don’t care about most of the “new features.” 

I kind of like it? I think I would like it completely if the bow sat a few inches higher.