I was disappointed until I got to the $60 hot chocolate pot. That's the Williams Sonoma we know and love.
I was disappointed until I got to the $60 hot chocolate pot. That's the Williams Sonoma we know and love.
LOL, that's what I say to people who say prison is cushy. If you think it's so great, go knock over a bank! Free house, food and health care, baby!
I've been on federal disability benefits and now work full time. I've never once sat in my comfortable home in my expensive sweater, looked at the balance in my savings/retirement accounts, then bought ample groceries and gassed up my car and said "Man, I miss the days when I got $980/month* for doing fuck all! Being…
but if you're a meat eater then everything you eat is disgusting
Someone runs this feature every year. Why does no kid ever say "I don't know; my mom does that"?
"People keep telling me to do something I enjoy... ."
Lulu is my cat's name. It's likely she would compile a very different list.
Only the girls get to win internships? MISANDRY.
My old super was Romanian. My grandmother being Roma was unlikely to come up in conversation but I made a mental note to never offer that information.
My grandmother was Roma and my facial features strongly resemble hers. My skin is very light but other Americans often note that there's something quite "foreign" about my appearance. I've never been to Europe but I've wondered if Europeans would know on sight that they're supposed to hate me.
People's shitty attitudes about suicide doesn't help matters. Decades after losing my brother, I can tell who has personal experience with it and who doesn't when the subject crops up.
Actually, I think that's victim blaming. ;)
I was going to reply about how lame it is when people say "bacon lol" in response to anything AR related, but then I got distracted by your beautiful, yummy pictures.
Meat eaters are just so stupid, hateful and miserable people it is hard to be around them... .
It was a real bummer, yeah.
I've been watching and re-watching the 1st season because I find myself suddenly obsessed with everything Christopher Eccleston. She could actually get quite cheeky with the Ninth Doctor at times. It's making me re-evaluate my opinion of her a bit and I kind of want to rewatch her season with the Tenth Doctor to…
I was always weirded out by the unrequited love because Martha's black. It felt like when she's white and blonde, the Doctor can quietly and chastely love her in return. But a black woman? Heaven's to Betsy, can't have that. That would be even worse than...a woman Doctor.
I've got a cool story bro.
You just referenced soup and Doctor Who in the same comment. You are my new BFF.
I'm guessing the creamy chicken tortilla I had for lunch doesn't count.