
My hair isn't fine but it's very long and washing/drying is an event. I use dry shampoo so I can go 3-4 days without doing it (freshening and degreasing). Problem is every time I find a variety I like, it promptly gets discontinued.

Twice in the past five years, tech issues resulted in my "sick today" e-mails not reaching work. I had people calling by 1 PM asking if was OK, which was hugely reassuring. At the same time, though, the means that if I slip and and bang my head on a Friday night, I'll probably be dead by time people wonder why I'm not

I know Malheur County is quite large but my mom lives in bordering Payette County, Idaho and it's apparently really friggin' cold there this week. Glad the kitties are inside and warm.

One of my two cats was adopted from a rescue group after she was seized from a hoarder along with approximately 30 other cats.

My guess? Unemployed day drinker.

Meanwhile, I don't even date anymore because men stopped eating pussy somewhere around 2003 (was there a conference or something?) and I haven't gotten off since.* So what the fuck is the point?

Akendengue said yes

"Her reasoning was that women for centuries gave birth unassisted... ."

Are there stats on how safe/dangerous it actually is? I find it weird that women are in such a hurry to kick doctors out of the birthing room when until quite recently, childbirth was one of our leading causes of death. But OTOH, women don't seem to be dropping like flies with the homebirth trend.

Ooh, I use the latter kind and once put my contacts back in before the prescribed 5 hours or whatever. Felt like pouring battery acid in my eyes. :(

I used to eat Campbell's chicken noodle undiluted.

Feeling compelled to drink soy sauce out of the bottle was how I finally figured out I was prone to sodium deficiency. I felt horrible, saw the soy sauce, felt bizarrely compelled to drink it, almost immediately felt better and said "OK, that's not normal."

I'm pretty sure every kid whose mom kept that in the kitchen did that. My mom sat and watched me to do it, just to amuse herself.

I ate the Play Doh, too. Loved the salt. (At least I went to hippy pre-school that made homemade play-doh.)

I not only ate bullion cubes, I got caught chiseling a chunk off the cow's salt lick. As an adult it was discovered that I'm prone to mild sodium deficiency.

While I had heard of Pygmalion before Selfie, I never read it and my confusion over Henry's motive inspired me to research the play. (A bet I understand; in Selfie he seemed solely motivated by a bizarre fixation on the lifestyle of a casual acquaintance.) This led to a really interesting discussion with a professor

Sephora.com has always had shitass customer service. I'll shop in the stores but since about 2011 I've refused to use their website.

I've owned mostly stick shift cars and I don't see how a dog could release the handbrake.

I find that a parent making a visible effort to quiet a child that's shrieking in public earns a lot of my patience and goodwill, even when the effort is wildly unsuccessful. But when the kid is screaming and the parent's just standing there like they don't give a shit, it's like FFFUUUUCCCKKKK YYYOOOUUU. I know kids

I watched the Mandrell Sisters variety show. Louise was my favorite.